From 'FCBN' informed during the week on the plans of Ernesto Valverde regarding the rotations. Finally the technician extremeño surprised with two 'bombs', leaving to Jordi Alba and Leo Messi in the bench of start in the party of League of the vigesimosegunda day in front of the Espanyol in Cornellà-The Prat. Paco Alcácer and Digne were his substitutes.

To the FC Barcelona comes him on a calendar complicated and cluttered of parties of the three competitions. In the next dates, the Barcelona team will have to face up to practically two parties by week, something that is forcing to Ernesto Valverde to take important decisions to protect to his footballers of overloads it of minutes.

That's why, as it already happened in the party of gone of the Glass of the King in the round of quarter-finals in the party contested in the same stadium, several heavy weights remained was. If in the derbi copero was Luis Suárez the banquillazo more stood out, this time touched him the turn to Leo Messi rest for dosificar his overloads of minutes.

In the case of Jordi Alba, repeated the history. The Catalan side already was acting in the party contested two weeks ago and average in the stadium of Cornellà-The Prat. In this meeting the Barcelona team threw in fault his rises by the band and finish losing by the minimum.

The Barça loses to his more lethal connection

Leo Messi and Jordi Alba are resulting to be one of the most important connections of LaLiga Santander. Both understand to perfection, deliver assistances mútuamente and look for of form continued in the parties. If we already were accustomed to that Leo Messi surrendered to a flawless level, this year, Jordi Alba has soltado to such an extent to turn into an indispensable player. The course of Neymar gave him more freedom by his band and is taking advantage of it in attack.