Pedro Sánchez, in an image of archive


Strong message from Pedro Sánchez on the return of football

Published:2/05/2020 - 19:39h

Updated:2/05/2020 - 21:09h

Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government of Spain, spoke about the turn of the sport, so much regarding the trainings as regarding the competitions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The world of the football had to detain the past month of March owing to the fast propagation of the pandemia of the coronavirus. All the competitions suspended without date of return, owing to this the clubs have left of ingresar money and, if the situation lengthens , could have consequences devastadoras for all so much to economic level as to logistical level.

For the first time since it jumped the sanitary crisis, Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government of Spain, spoke clear on the impact of the pandemia on the sport and on how will go establishing the turn to the normality. The maximum governmental representative did reference to the turn to the trainings of the professional sportsmen and of the turn of the competitions.

Pedro Sánchez left in hands of the federations and the leagues the turn of the official parties in a frame of prudence in front of the delicate situation. "I am more than basketball that of football, but expect that it was prompt, will be the federations and the Leagues those that decide", commented the President of Spain, although all will go tied in first instance to the decision of the sanitary authorities.

This yes, his speech was clear in this regard and left clear that the return of the competitions will not give at the same time that the turn to the parties of open doors to the public. "We have begun to allow the individual trainings of the sports in team, expect that it was what before, but will see it before by television that in the stadium, fear me", explained.

It is necessary to remember, in these circumstances, the decision that the own Pedro Sánchez announced the past day 28 April after a Council of Ministers, manifesting that "they will be able to carry out individual trainings of federados and the basic of professional leagues". This measure will go in in force from 4 May, although always under the protocols established.

Tests for the footballers

Also it is planned, in seen to the security, that the players of the clubs of LaLiga​ subject to the proportionate tests by the patronal. In this way, it pretends avoid that footballers infected go back to the normal work and put in risk to his mates. All caution will be little for the return to the sportive activity, that still will take in recovering the normality.