Gerard Hammered during the played demanded by the

The central answered

I hammered it burst against the "ABC": "How you can manipulate like this?"

Published:24/04/2016 - 07:33h

Updated:24/04/2016 - 07:33h

The central of the FC Barcelona Gerard Hammered mounted in cholera after the party in front of the Sporting after the bochornosa publication of the newspaper "ABC", in which it accused to the defender to commit penalti after touching the balloon with the hand

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The played in question took place in the last minutes of the first time of the FC Barcelona-Sporting of Gijón. After one against of the instrument visitor, the leading Guerrero had a double occasion in front of Claudio Bravo that first desbarataba the guardameta Chilean and, later, was Gerard Hammered the one who cleared with his back and the arm, totally hit to the body, a balloon with the cancerbero beaten. An action that had happened unobserved until several newspapers of Madrid asked the impossible: penalti in favour of the Gijón.

Something that seemed surrealist for the player already in the mixed zone, where explained the sucedido and left clear that there was not possibility for pitar the maximum penalty. "There are tens of cameras in the terrain of game that show it", said the footballer in front of the press when it was asked precisely by this played.

However, the own footballer could check as for other newspapers, to the hour to look for desestabilizar and the win clicks, gives them the same mentir and difamar, as at the end something always remains. One of these means commissioned to attack to the defender inventing a penalti was the newspaper of Madrid "ABC".

Once in his domicile and analysing it from the tranquility, Gerard Hammered used his personal account of Twitter to attack to said half by the lies that carried to his cover in the section of sports. Besides, it attached his criticisms with the tuit in which it can read "The hand of Hammered that it did not signal the referee". Something to what the Catalan answered with a "How can manipulate of this way? It is a shame".