There is not rest in the world of the Spanish football further of the terrains of game. In full investigation by the 'case Negreira' and the 7,5 million euros that the FC Barcelona paid to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees in almost two decades, has desvelado a new scandal in which four referees are involved: Clos Gómez, Jaime Latre, Hernández Hernández and Sánchez Martínez. Would be being looked with lupa by Anticorrupción.
According to an information of 'Eldebate_com', collected by the COPE, the four referees are under investigation by his 'been bulky heritage', that would include flats of luxury, chalets with plots and numerous squares of parking. All the priorities would have been paid to the explained, without need to ask to banks credits or at all related.
The report on the referees
Like this then , 'The Debate' has had access to the report, of 55 pages, in which desvela that Clos Gómez, one of the distinguished, is proprietary of seven real estates that would have a value of more than one million euros. They would have been purchased from 2007. In the case of Jaime Latra, began to have his heritage in 2020, with value of 1,8 'kilos' in group.
The ones of Hernández Hernández, by his part, surpass the million of euros and were purchased between 2019 and 2021, whereas the ones of Sánchez Martínez would be between 2019 and 2022, but does not have desvelado the value of the same. The investigation is still in course and could form part of the 'case Negreira' that has reported in this year.
Movement for the 'case Negreira'?
The before quoted sources establish that Anticorrupción is considering the possibility the possibility to attach this investigation to the judicial cause that investigates the relation of the FC Barcelona and Enríquez Negreira, exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees. After being admitted, the case continues being observed under the lupa and this new report could be part of the 'attack' to the Barcelona.