Rubiales pleads not guilty, seeks guilty and defends Piqué
Published:20/04/2022 - 12:13h
Updated:20/04/2022 - 12:14h
Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, offered a few words at a press conference to explain the audio leaked by 'El Confidencial'
The president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football, Luis Rubiales, has appeared in press conference this Wednesday to give explanations on the audios spread by 'The Confidential'. In his statements, spoke on the crime that suffered with his mobile, of the Supercopa in Saudi Arabia, of the wage that wins like president and of Gerard Hammered, one of the protagonists of the leaks.
It began mentioning why took so much in giving his version of the facts and stood out the attacks that has suffered since it arrived to the presidency of the RFEF. "Have an agreement subjected to confidentiality. Once we have attained permission with Saudi Arabia, have come to give explanations. They are four years of presidency and have suffered a lot of attacks. Neither an alone week without attacks and querellas", affirmed the mandator.
It spoke on the agreement spread by 'The Confidential' in his news. "All what has done , has communicated . This agreement no longer costs for this season. It was of three seasons and no longer is operative. In the Assembly of the 2020 approved a new relation that allowed that Arabia paid 40 million euros without that contested there the Supercopa. This allowed the survival of a lot of humble clubs. Now it appears an agreement that is not neither valid in thishalf ", criticised.
However, it did emphasis in the crime that suffered and trusted that the police will find to the authors. "I ask to the means that speak of the crime that have suffered. To me they have stolen me the information of my telephone. I trust the police. I expect that they can trap to the criminals that have done this. To who benefits him? I do not take alcohol, do not smoke, but can not guarantee that they put me a sack of cocaine in the trunk. I am concerned. I do not deserve me this, neither my family, neither my daughters. Also it is truth that never had received so many messages of support in my life, as during these days. It has been an attack against the Federation by something that have done well", aimed Rubiales.
Relation with Kosmos and Gerard Hammered
It took advantage of the opportunity to speak of the commissions and of Kosmos, the company of Gerard Hammered. "Kosmos Proposes us a change of format, something that already proposed in the electoral campaign. I said them that we are ranged. They begin to work, spoke also of United States, Catar, India, China or African countries. When it comes a possibility of business, says them that the economic relation will be with Kosmos. The RFEF neither has paid neither will pay an alone euro of commission by this operation. There is not much more that explain here, already voted in Assembly without any vote against", cleared the executive.
Besides, elogió to Hammered, standing out again the occurred with his mobile. "Now already it seems that the operation is legal. Regarding the conflict of interests, each one has his values. In the RFEF govern us by our three filters. With regard to I Hammered, to some would like them that they went civil servants to the practice of the football. Ojalá There is more as I Hammered, that every time are more formed. If the relation is of Arabia-Kosmos, there is not any conflict of competition. Full stop. The rest will be a debate of you. That we speak of an ethical debate when they have taken me out the information of the telephone. Have the photos with my daughters and the conversations with my friends", exclaimed the president.
False news, his wage, the Supercopa and the modest football
In front of the questions of the journalists, informed on the emolumentos ingresa when being to charge of the RFEF. "Have a structure salarial product of a work of the financial department. In Spain there are two models: the president of the League earns 3.5 million euros, but generate a lot of less income that the Federation. We proposed that the fixed was lower and the variable were tied to the management. I seat me very paid, but when I arrived generated 146 million euros and now more than 400. It is a success of my team and mine", said.
Also it asked the rectification of the exposed false news by 'The Confidential'. "We go to demand the rectification of the false news. All this will appear in the rectification that will send. The headline already is false 'Rubiales pactó with Hammered a pelotazo of 24 millions by the Supercopa in Arabia: "you remain You 6 kilos"'. There is not neither an operation that resemble him this. The Italians were to play it by 7 million euros and we by 40", expressed Rubiales.
Finally, it spoke of the modest football and that is not in his plans change the format of the Supercopa. "Spain is between the 15 more important countries of exports to Arabia. Inditex, Renfe... The football can not? We have worked well and of way honoured. The feminine club did not receive neither 5.000 euros and now receives 25 millions. We are the federation more solidaria with the modest football. It will keep on being the base of our management. We do not go to reformular the Supercopa. It loves us this format. Regarding the economic format, is much more benevolent with the clubs of down that with Real Madrid or Barça that with the criterion of the League", concluded.