Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona


The crisis of FC Barcelona with the salary limit, in detail

Published:14/03/2022 - 15:12h

Updated:14/03/2022 - 15:57h

From LaLiga they have been in charge of explaining the reasons why FC Barcelona, today, has a negative salary limit of 144 million euros. The Barça team has a long way to go to recover

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the season 2020-2021 the FC Barcelona had a limit salarial of 347.078 millions. A year afterwards, the LCP of the Barcelona is of less 144.353. An abysmal difference, taking in account that in the beginning of this season was of 97.942 'kilos'. The situation is alarming, in the worst of the senses, and leaves clear that the culés are far to have a favourable economic situation and that the way is long to have it.

The new limit salarial of the Barça has generated a lot of controversy, reason by which from LaLiga have commissioned to explain the keys to understand how the Barcelona entity happened to have a mount so low, the worst between the First and Second Division of Spain, of far, and that, for example, is to years light of the more than 739M of the Real Madrid.

The case is that between Javier Gómez, corporate general director of LaLiga, and Luis Manfredi, director of the economic control, have explained the delicate situation of the Barcelona entity, remembering that this mount does not have to see in at all with the form to hire, but yes to the moment to process the registrations, because they have to cost of the article 100. The first to take in account is that the Barça has a limit salarial negative "because the losses are greater that the capacity that has to obtain resources", that is to say, the Barça follows without fulfilling his forecasts of income and has not achieved, neither, reduce the costs.

East mount, as we commented before, "does not mean at all with regard to the contractings that can do. The Barcelona is hiring by the article 100 (the rule of the 1x4). What means this impairment is that you go to take more time in going out of the article 100", although it has left a light of how can recover the entity culé.

It goes through to achieve plusvalías (and the CVC goes in in scene), because the Barça (unlike other clubs) can not do increases of capital: "This deterioration in the heritage only can it solve road plusvalías. To increase this capacity of contracting costs any plusvalía that reflect in his account of results, as it can be a percentage of the Espai Barça. If the Barcelona sells a building and has a plusvalía of 70. These cases would give him the capacity to increase. The losses that have not cleaned drag ".

They have explained that the Barça has had a lot of losses and has gone down or "deteriorated" his savings, by what "the system of LaLiga says that it has to go back to fill the pantry and do it generating profits. It allows them hire but with limitations. That is to say, only by a percentage of the saving, Costs a sponsor, a sale of a player, of a building...".

The CVC part like key factor

From LaLiga have explained that the FC Barcelona will not have deal of favour in some agreement with CVC: "What there is approved to day of today is that 15% is for restructurar debt, another 15% for players and another 70% for structure of growth. Any change that had to do on this question, would have to be the own clubs those that had to do it. CVC also has voice in this. What is in force are these percentages".

Likewise, in case to join to the project, the money will be delivered as it has been delivered in the others clubs: "can allocate 15% to the limit salarial. As it could have some 45 millions, like orientative figure, and would have -100 million limit salarial".

Hard hit for the Barça

In LaLiga have recognised that from next summer will not be able to use the rule '1 to 2' but only the '1 to 4': "The rule of the article 100 is in force since it is the economic control. Can follow receiving until it recover his heritage that has lost. From 1 July 2022 it goes back to be in force only the rule of the 1x4, no longer will be able to use the 1x2 if the player occupies more than 5% of the limit salarial. This rule will use it until it do not generate profits. On 10 April have all the information of the clubs of the first semester and here will see if they continue the measures or others with matizaciones, but this it is necessary to elevate it to the Commission Delegated".