Mario Beautiful and Leo Messi pugnan by a balloon in the last derbi of Glass


The Espanyol-Barça of LaLiga, declared party of high risk

Published:31/01/2018 - 16:40h

Updated:31/01/2018 - 17:05h

There will be tension in the terrain of game but also in the terracing, after several encontronazos in an eliminatory copera very hot. Espanyol And Barça will cross in LaLiga next Sunday, in a duel that already has been declared of high risk

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The tension between the FC Barcelona and the RCD Espanyol has not finished this season, and is that LaLiga will cross to culés and 'pericos' once again in the stadium blanquiazul. The hard clashes in the Glass of the King still colean between teams and fans, and the party of the next Sunday has been declared of high risk.

The State Commission of Antiviolencia has made public it this Wednesday and the group that directs Quique Sánchez Flores has decided to reinforce it with a note, in which it marks a series of recommendations and considerations so much for his followers as for the ones of his Barcelona opponent.

It gives the circumstance that in several points of the writing, the Espanyol actua like victim and signals like culprit of the provocations to the Barça, esquivando a responsibility that has to be shared between both clubs, whose terracings were not to the height in any of the two derbis, starring offensive chants and incidents that had to be controlled by the Mossos d'Esquadra.

After the last crosses of statements, besides, the Committee of Competition has opened a file to Gerard Hammered by his words after the classification in the Glass of Rey, describing to his rivals like the "Espanyol of Cornellà". The central Barcelonan, Sergio Busquets and the Camp Nou also will be judged by the Commission Antiviolencia.

The recommendations of the Espanyol for the derbi in the RCDE Stadium

- "It recommends to the viewers that assist to the party that attend to the stadium with the sufficient antelación to be able to access to the RCDE Stadium without agglomerations neither demoras, since they will reinforce the measures of security and accesses. The doors of the Stadium will open at 14:45h".

- "Likewise, it remembers the recommendation to displace in public transport (FGC, metre Trambaix and buses), motorcycles and coaches of the official crags. For the fans that use own vehicle, remembers that they exist the following parkings: Fira of Cornellà (950 squares reserved only for partners) and the industrial zone of Almeda-Cornellà, accessing by the exit 15 of the Ronda de Dalt".

- "The club has done to arrive officially the explicit request to Mossos, responsible body of tutelar the security in day of party in the stadium, that any no identified group of interested visitors access to our sportive enclosure, since, as they show the last precedents lived in the Stadium Lluís Companys and in the recent party of gone of the Glass of Rey, could put in risk the security inside the installation".

- "The club exhorts to all his partners and simpatizantes to comport before, during and after the party inside and out of the Stadium following all the norms of planned behaviour in the valid legislation in matter of sportive events. We are connoisseurs of the repeated and multiple provocations that have produced in the last times to the fans blanquiazul -and that the club has requested to investigate to the own Commission- as well as of the possibility that they produce new provocations during the party or to his ending".

- "With everything, exhort decididamente to our fans to express with the correction and the total respect that deserves any sportive rival that visits our stadium; the contrary attitudes are always condemnable and contrary to the values of the sport split where produce and contrary to the values that defends and promotes the RCD Espanyol".