The crisis that has generated the sanitary situation lived thanks to the pandemia of the covid-19 follows forcing to the clubs to take drastic measures, of way that the coletazos economic that is leaving the actuality are not so strong. As it is very known, the FC Barcelona has been one of the entities that has had to make some adjust wages to the wages that perceive his players, but recently,more teams have had to join to the measure.
Recently it has given to know the news that, so much Real Madrid as Athletic of Madrid would be about to to apply similar measures, in pro to treat to reduce the economic hits that are suffering or can suffer próximamente, if the sanitary crisis follow extending. This leaves to the three bigger clubs of Spain in a little common situation, but adjusted to the hard current reality.
Regarding the reductions like such, as it relates the newspaper Sport, the Real Madrid would have under the arm the proposal of a reduction of 20% to the wages of his players. This measure would treat to compensate the almost 200 million euros that has left to receive by the world-wide sanitary circumstances and local, such as the dispute of his meetings to enclosed door and other measures that have had to take.
However, the situation of the club chaired by Florentino Pérez is, perhaps, the most comfortable between the actualities of the three entities, since the past summer instrument attained ingresar around 110 million euros. This sum arrived to the Madrid thanks to the sales of players that the same attained to concretise and, on the other hand, to that the picture madridista did not make any signing during the market for the first time in several decades.
Atlético, engaged also
In addition to the FC Barcelona and the Real Madrid, the another big club that will have to readjust his economy for sobrellevar the hard situation that lives at present is the Atlético de Madrid. The team colchonero will have to negotiate with his players a percentage of reduction that was satisfactory for both parts, thanks to that, obviously, also has left to receive income because of the compulsory measure to have to play to enclosed doors.
According to the quoted source, the figure that would handle the presidency of Enrique Cerezo to apply to the wages of the members of the staff directed by Diego Pablo Simeone would be from among 15% and 18%. In this sense, the percentage would be almost the same to the that agreed the players and the direction of the club at the end of the past season, stretch during which had to do adjust also.