Tebas reveals LaLiga plan if the coronavirus spreads in Spain
Published:1/03/2020 - 17:58h
Updated:1/03/2020 - 17:58h
The coronavirus follows propagating and, in countries like Italy, already has affected to the football. LaLiga Has a plan in case that the illness shoot in Spain
The coronavirus follows keeping in alert to the world-wide population and already is beginning to affect to the world of the sport. In concrete, in Italy, where the propagation has been more intense, already has registered the first case of infection in professional footballer, in addition to decreeing the closing of some stadiums and the postponement of some parties.
Spain already adds 77 active cases in 13 distinct communities, by what could finish activating the protocol in LaLiga. Javier Tebas has explained which is the plan if the coronavirus shoots . "No we have posed it to us suspend the Classical and other parties, but from the Sunday at night have an open Commission inside LaLiga called Coronavirus, following with the subject, and have done a plan of performances for different cities on if it can play to enclosed door or no. It has not arrived to the situation in Madrid, neither much less, of the subject of the suspension of the Classical", said, in some recent statements collected by the daily Ace.
"We do not pose us suspend the Classical"
Besides, it contemplated the possibility of the parties without public. "A thing is to suspend a party and another is to not to play it. We are seeing the alternative to play parties to enclosed door, so this party had played to enclosed door, as any another, and if it could not as it would suspend . And, even so, also we have posed when would play these parties and in which dates of the calendar. This approach have done it to him arrive to UEFA so that it also take into account the eliminatory where there are Spanish teams. We work in the forecast and no in the improvisation", commented.
Tebas also remembered to the recently infected journalist in a trip to cover the information of Valencia in Champions League. "Now, in Valencia, have had a case of a journalist and what has done is replantear a bit the approaches in the press conferences, that is what it is necessary to do all over the world. When somebody is affected by this illness it is necessary to isolate him with the quarantine, but here have not arrived to this situation", sentenced.
The president of LaLiga already had transmitted recently his predisposition to help. "If necessary that a Spanish team had to play Champions in a weekend, can hit it to other dates that have. We help us between all", ensured, adding that "the most important is that the championship finish, although it was to enclosed door, because it would be a problem suspend it".
Worry in the Italian football
Italy has registered more than 1000 cases confirmed of coronavirus and already have been contabilizadas at least 29 deaths. Several parties have postponed , something that begins to affect to the normal development of the domestic championship of the Series To. Giussepe Marota, executive boss (CEO) of the Inter of Milan, spoke on this with some worry in an interview to The Gazzetta dello Sport.
In fact, the director neroazzurro mentioned that there are possibilities that the Series To can not finish this season. "If they cancel more parties, run this risk", commented, adding that "the balance of the championship has altered . It is a championship distorted. Only it is necessary to think in the lesionados and the sanctioned. And it exists a psychological appearance when you look to the classification".