They could sanction to the Barcelona for playing to enclosed door
Published:4/10/2017 - 22:44h
Updated:4/10/2017 - 22:55h
LaLiga Has reported to the Committee of Competition the fact that the FC Barcelona did not allow to the fans access to the Camp Nou for the dispute of the duel against the UD The Palms, and signals to the club like manager of the invasion of field
LaLiga Has reported in his informative note on the past day 7 that the FC Barcelona-The Palms of the Sunday, "by decision of the local club, and because of the events of 1 October, was contested without public in the terracings. Therefore, the local club purportedly did not allow the access to the terracings to any fan", can read in the note.
In the same writing in question, besides, LaLiga does upsetting in that "in the minute 71 of party, and after the second goal of the local team, a viewer dressed with a yellow T-shirt, situated in the central zone of the lateral terracing, jumped to the terrain of game, being intercepted by personnel of security of immediate way, being withdrawn of the terrain of game by the contrary corner".
The collegiate Munuera Montero included said invasion of field in the referee's record, although it did not have any incidence in the development of the game. "It did not interfere in the development of the game when being celebrating the local players the second goal", can read in the record.
The fan, in the Camp Nou with permission of the club
As it has informed besides the director of party of LaLiga, when seeming the person that invaded the field "found previously accompanied of other two, belonging all they according to information facilitated by said people to 'Ómnium Cultural', those who had displaced to this location with permission of the Club to plant a banner with a drawing of a face with a red line and the lemma "democracy"".
The facts in question have been reported to the Committee of Competition, by what to day of today no descarta that the FC Barcelona can suffer some type of sanction by part of the heights estamentos of the Spanish championship. A possible punishment, however, would contribute to generate in the next days even more controversial in Catalan earths.