Luis Enrique: "The assessment is positive, went a good test"

Published:30/07/2016 - 22:46h

Updated:1/08/2016 - 10:55h

The Asturian trainer of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, valued positively the performance of the Barcelona team against the Celtic of Glasgow (3-1), showing satisfied by the result of the first "test" of pre-season for the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In statements conceded to the just media after it finished the party between FC Barcelona and Celtic of Glasgow (3-1), the trainer of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, showed more than satisfied no so much by the result of the meeting but by the feelings of the same, conscious that still there are a lot of things for improving.

"The assessment is positive. They are important minutes, without injuries. We did a good test and a good party to start with", commented in general lines. On Aleix Vidal, that had a very good performance, planted him on the same line that the rest of the players that had minutes, that were all to exception of Josep Martínez and Cristian Tello. "It has been on the same line that the rest. It is not moment to go in to value a lot of things".

"All know to Sergi Roberto. It is something more than a simple footballer"

The FC Barcelona will not change of tactical diagram in attack this next season 2016-17. "In attack will not change the way to play, 4-3-3 or 3-4-3, whereas to defensive level the things have them clear". Luis Enrique himself wanted to elogiar especially to Sergi Roberto, that cuajó a big party.

"All know him. The players that can play in different positions are important. This season Sergi Roberto will play more than side, but if we need that it do it of pivote or of interior, does it. It is something more than a footballer".

Finally, it gave long regarding the subject of his future renewal with the Barcelona, considering that it is a subject of the that does not be necessary to speak in these moments. "The club knows what think and do not go to go in in this. Only it concerns me the training of morning".