Rafinha: "After the trainings, there are not strengths for nothing"

Rafinha: "After the entrenos, there are not strengths for nothing"

Rafinha: "After the entrenos, there are not strengths for nothing"

Published:31/07/2014 - 13:00h

Updated:31/07/2014 - 13:00h

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Brazilian midfield player of the FC Barcelona, Rafinha Alcántara, has conceded an interview to the means of the Barcelona club in which it has analysed how is being the "stage" of pre-season in Birmingham, where Luis Enrique does not give them neither a break

In statements collected by the FC Barcelona in his official web page, Rafinha Alcántara has valued very positively the "stage" of pre-season that is making the Barcelona group in Birmingham, where does not be missing them of at all and have of all the necessary means as to put to physical tone and technically for the start of the season 2014-15. "They have been some three days of a lot of work to go taking the physical level that need and the tactical level, that also needs ", has signalled. Rafinha, besides, has elogiado the climate of England. "It is perfect to do a pre-season. In Barcelona does a lot of heat, east is the ideal climate to play to football".

But the main focus of his praises has carried it to him Luis Enrique, the one who ensures Rafinha that is doing them work with a big intensity in each exercise. "Has the very clear ideas, do not think that have problems, the club already knows how works. There are not strengths more than to do some calm activity, like the billiard or the tennis of table", has signalled in reply to what do the players when they finish the trainings.

Carlos Domínguez