Rafinha alcántara: "I am prepared to give the best of me"

Rafinha Alcántara: "I Am smart to work and give the best of me"

Rafinha Alcántara: "I Am smart to work and give the best of me"

Published:23/07/2014 - 13:23h

Updated:23/07/2014 - 13:23h

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Rafinha Alcantara Has gone out this Wednesday in press conference. The player has valued his paper in his first year in the first team, after the cession to the celtic the past season. Also it has answered questions on Xavi and on the last signing of the Barça, Mathieu

Rafa Alcántara "Rafinha" has appeared this Wednesday in front of the media. The Hispanic-Brazilian will face his first season in the first team, after the previous course went yielded to the Celtic. The young midfield player shows trusted of face to the new season and in his own performance: "I Am prepared to work and to give the best of me". To finish ensuring that it splits of his return to the Barça is by the fact that Luis Enrique is the trainer.

Rafinha Has spoken of his stage in the Celtic, and of which has a good memory. "The past year was very good" and "have had time to mature and learn in First division", puntualizó the player.

Rafinha Wants to learn of Xavi Hernández

Also it has spoken of the decision of Xavi Hernández to continue, the midfield player has showed very happy that it follow a year more. "Xavi is the Barça, represents it everything, is a big news for us that remain . Will have the opportunity to learn of the best", sentenced.

The press conference has coincided with the officiality, few minutes before, of the signing of Jeremy Mathieu. The canterano has ensured that "Mathieu is a complete defence, big head office, and will be a great help for the team". Finally it has valued the return of Dunga to the Brazilian selection. Rafinha Has said that it does not know him personalomente like trainer. What if it has left clear is that it will struggle each day in his club for some day can defend to his country.