Álvaro Arbeloa in his stage as a Real Madrid player


Arbeloa answers Xavi for his 'dart' to Real Madrid about the Champions

Published:21/04/2020 - 13:01h

Updated:21/04/2020 - 14:46h

A few weeks ago, Xavi Hernández threw a 'dart' to Real Madrid for the luck that always helps it to win the Champions League, and his words have caused a stir. Álvaro Arbeloa has answered the catalan talking about his former team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid is historical, and perdura even in the ex players. The legends of one and another edict are used to to throw of respect to refer to his maximum opponents, but from time to time there is exchange of shots between the Camp Nou and Santiago Bernabéu. A recent interview to Xavi Hernández has caused that the whites heave the voice and retort to the that was Barcelona captain.

Álvaro Arbeloa has answered to the egarense by the 'dart' that was launched does some weeks, when it spoke of the "historical luck" that accompanies to some teams and admitted that between them could include to the 'merengues'. In a conversation with the 'youtuber' DjMariio, the same that chatted with the Catalan, the salmantino has started his speech of a conclusive form: "there is a saying that says 'when knowing call him luck'".

"When you are not able to explain that the only team in the history that has won five Glasses of Europe followed is the Madrid, that the only that has won four Champions in five years or three followed is the Madrid... Take into account that in Champions never never anybody had won two titles followed. As these, this team, won three followed, four in five years and good...", it has left to fall the side.

The reflection of Xavi arrived after being questioned by the options of the Barça current: "Always I see it favourite in League. In Champions is more difficult. The Barça has won them when it has been very upper to his rivals. The Barça can not play to this historical luck that have had other clubs. The Barça has to be very dominador, very safe of himself same. The history says that it wins when it has been much better that the opponent".

"Yes, I refer me to the Madrid, yes. Why no? No only they, also other clubs have had it. The Barcelona had luck in Stamford Bridge, with the goal of Iniesta with ten players and almost without throwing to door. This is luck. I refer me to that you do not do a good season in LaLiga, that remain fourth, fifth, sixth... And you win the Champions. The Barça has not gone through this, the Madrid himself and to this call him have a bit of luck", added.

Arbeloa Speaks of his brush with Boxes and Hammered

To Arbeloa also have asked after him his brush with Iker Boxes and Gerard Hammered, and has opted by a very peaceful speech in spite of admitting that in his stage in the capital had his more and his less with the guardameta: "it Gives a bit of morbo. With Iker always have had a very good relation. As with a lot of people can have brush or moments in that the relation is not the same, but do not have any problem with him".

"On the contrary, Boxes is neighbouring mine and if some day needs eggs can call me quietly. I see him very well of health, that is the most important. We have been mates a lot of years in the Madrid and in the selection and at the end in spite of brush them that we have had sometime prevail the good moments", has aimed, recalcando that in spite of these dicusiones both keep a good friendship.

His interviewer has tightened something more when it has mentioned him to one of his big 'enemies' in the changing room of the Barça, a Hammered with which lived numerous encontronazos inside and out of the terrains of game and to the that seems that it no longer saves grudge. "To I Hammered also it would give him eggs, clear that yes. I would give him eggs to any neighbour that had. Also it would give him eggs, clear that yes", has ensured between laughs.