Lucas Hernández during a party with the selection of France


Attention: Order of entry in prison for Lucas Hernández in Spain

Published:13/10/2021 - 17:06h

Updated:13/10/2021 - 17:29h

The penal Court Number32 of Madrid has quoted him so that on 19 October Lucas Hernández persone to choose the Centre Penitenciario: it was condemned by 6 months

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The penal Court number 32 of Madrid has ordered the entry in prison of Lucas Hernández, player of the Bayern Munich and that recently titled in the Nations League with the selection of France, besides went player of the Athletic of Madrid. This information has been revealed by the Daily Ace.

The diligence of ordination was dictated by the Administration of Justice the past 14 September. Said diligence quotes to "gift Lucas François Bernard Hernández so that it appear in this Court the next day 19 October 2021, to the 11:00 hours, to end to be required personally so that in the term of ten days ingrese voluntarily in the centre Penitenciario of his election".

Like this then , Lucas Hernández has been condemned to six months of prison, and was not attended his resource to the not being a primary criminal; that is to say, when having penal antecedents. The facts date of 3 February 2010. The then player of the Athletic of Madrid, starred beside his woman, Amelia of the Bear Lorente, a crime of maltreatment in the familiar field in full street. A court of Madrid commissioned to condemn to both to 31 days of community works and prevented them approach or communicate by any half during six months, what commonly knows like a protective order.

In spite of said convictions (so much to him as to her), both decided to go together of honeymoon. To his return of the 'trip of boyfriends', to the 9:30 of 13 June, both were surprised in the filter of entrances of the airport Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Stir after landing in a pertinent flight of Miami.

Lucas was detained and place to disposal of the Court of Violence on the Woman number 3 of Madrid, that to the dessert left itin freedom . Amelia was identified but no detained, as the court still had not notified it the protective order.

Later, the Fiscalía requested a year of prison for Lucas when understanding that the footballer quebrantó the conviction of alejamiento. The penal Court number 35 of Madrid condemned to the footballer to six months of prison like author of a crime of break of conviction of the article 468.2 of the Penal Code.

In the facts tested of this sentence establishes that Lucas "conscious of the prohibition to approach to less than 500 metres of his sentimental couple dictated in conviction, fully valid and with full contempt to the same, found in company of To. S. L. In the airport of Adolfo Suárez –Stir of Madrid, pertinent of Miami', from where had travelled together.

The lawyers of the footballer requested the suspension or replacement of the conviction by works in profits of the community, but the resource was them denegado due to the fact that Hernández already initially had broken the 31 workdays that were him imposed in 2017.

Cause of prison

It is important to highlight that the cause by which now requests the entry in prison of Lucas Hernández is not by that initial altercation with his current woman, but por have desobedecido an order given by a judge, by what now is the Administration of Justice the one who is against the footballer.

By his part, the defence of Lucas has presented a resource of Appeal against that sentence and will be the Provincial Audience the one who estimate it or desestime. Meanwhile, Lucas has to be personally in Madrid on 19 October so that, in the term of ten days, choose Centre Penitenciario where ingresar.

According to the current normative frame, in headquarters ejecutoria penal, once the courts deniegan an alternative measure to the entry in prison, the penado ingresa and, in case to be estimated the resource, is excarcelado. By his part, as it has informed Ace, the Bayern did not have knowledge of this cause until this month of October, although to the player was him notified a lot before.