Christian would have diverted 150 millions to evade taxes!
Published:2/12/2016 - 22:26h
Updated:2/12/2016 - 22:26h
The big star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, would have diverted at all more and at all less than 150 millions to a society of the Virgin Islands for, of this way, evade taxes and increase the profits by rights of image
The big star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, would have diverted at all more and at all less than 150 million euros to a society of the Virgin Islands for, of this way, save million taxes in Spain and achieve more profits by the income derived of his rights of image with distinct advertising marks.
"The World" has revealed in the last hours Cristiano Ronaldo saved, from principles of 2009, his income by rights of image in several companies of the British Virgin Islands, in some companies without transparency, activity neither employees, with the aim to dribble of this way the payment of taxes in Spain, much higher.
During the six first years in Spain, Tollin Associates, a company situated in Road Town, would have protected his 74,8 millions in advertising income, whereas from 2015 said work would have carried it out Adifore Finance and Arnel Services, that bought his rights of image until 2020 by other 75 millions, that would have finish in a Swiss account.
The case is that Cristiano Ronaldo would have generated like this the frioleta of 150 million euros in advertising and, thanks to the opacity of his company, would have paid so only 5,6 million euros thus, less than 4% of the total, paying them of hit in the Income of 2014.
In this coyuntura, the main incógnita now is if the Agency Tributaria Spanish had knowledge of all these movements, and if in affirmative case opted for hiding publicly the controversy, in contrast with it sucedido with "cracks" like Leo Messi. The controversy is served.