The one who theoretically continues being the big star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, is offering this season 2016-17 a performance goleador much more irregular that in the last campaigns, thing that has carried to some media recently to especular on a possible change of airs of the Portuguese forward before it finalise his agreement.
To his 32 years, Cristiano Ronaldo finishes agreement in 2021 and keeps on being one of the better players paid of the planet. No descarta, however, that Florentino Pérez opt for carrying out a revolution of staff in the next summers for salvaguardar the competitive health of the team to sportive level, traspasando in this sense to Cristiano and saving like this the costliest index card of the staff.
"It is necessary to respect and mimar to Christian because the big figures like him are wayward and spoiled, and when no us miman...", it commented it does some weeks the mythical Hugo Sánchez in statements to the "Chain BE", in reference to the whistles that is listening lately the player luso when it plays in Santiago Bernabéu.
Cristiano, increasingly "Penaldo" in the Real Madrid
"They remain him two or three years to the maximum level in the Real Madrid", said also the Mexican, and could be in the true. Cristiano has marked a third of his goals this season 2016-17 of penalti, and no longer offers the danger with which years before atemorizaba to his rivals.
In spite of that it still follows marking goals, from "Sport" inciden in the possibility that the Real Madrid opt for protecting in the next summers with a future "crack" for the forward to the detriment of the Portuguese, more than amortised.