Cristiano Ronaldo, during the party against the Athletic of Bilbao

Problems for the one of the Madrid

Gestha Warns that Christian could go in in the prison!

Published:13/06/2017 - 19:01h

Updated:13/06/2017 - 20:27h

After knowing the complaint of the Fiscalía against Cristiano Ronaldo of course fiscal fraud, is the Union of Technicians of the Ministry of the Treasury the one who ensures that the forward of the Real Madrid could be penado with prison that would not jump

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To the forward of the Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo can him come a very fat on. After being accused to have defrauded 14,7 million euros to Inland revenue, speaks that the attacker could be fined with a minimum of 28 millions by four fiscal crimes, three of them aggravated.

This is the of what inform the Technicians of the Ministry of the Treasury (Gestha) in a communiqué made public this Tuesday. With the complaint of the Fiscalía before 30 June, the case does not have preescrito and now will be the court the one who have to admit to formality the complaint before six months. Something different would be really a surprise. 

In the report explains that the Portuguese forward could have committed a fiscal crime in 2011 (art. 305 of the penal code), that penalises with a minimum of a year of prison, and other three fiscal crimes aggravated in 2012, 2013 and 2014 (art. 305 bis of the penal code) when surpassing the supposedly defrauded quotas the 600.000 euros.

These three crimes aggravated punish with penalties of prison of two to six years by each one of them, what would involve the request of the Legal profession of the State of a total minimum penalty of seven years by the four presumptive fiscal crimes. Although CR7 does not have any penal antecedent, an upper quantity to the two years of prison could force him to go in in the prison.

Cristiano Ronaldo, in hands of the judge

They exist two stages that could suffer the attacker merengue. One would be seemed to the lived by Leo Messi, to the that the judge reduced him  the half the penalties and that to him would mean him be condemned to three years and half of prison, having to go in in this.

Or if the judge reduces of drastic way said penalties, could remain him the same 21 months of prison by which was condemned Leo Messi. We remember that the rosarino was judged by 4,1 millions defrauded, 10,6 less than the one of Madeira.