In the last months, especially as a result of the 'Case Negreira' that has to the FC Barcelona in the centre of the controversy, the Spanish arbitration has been in cloth of trial by part of some media. Such is the case of 'Real Madrid TV', that recently has signalled to the judges by his performances.
The most recent case has been the one of the designations to Juan Martínez Munuera, the one who will be the main in the turn of the semifinals coperas in front of the Barcelona team, as well as in the case of the one who has been designated to assist him from the room of videoarbitraje, José Luis González González, with images on previous presentations in which they sustain that the whites would have seen prejudiced.
Possible actions of the CTA
Recently the ex international referee, Eduardo Iturralde González, has warned that from the guild could have actions against of the Madrilenian entity: "Sometime it will be necessary to say it suffices in front of so much communiqué, by writing or by television. The Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) will have to pose say 'until here have arrived' and see all the communications that can be susceptible to attack against the honorabilidad referee's".
To trial of the exárbitro, this type of comments by part of the official means of the Real Madrid, can see entorpecido the work of the referees in front of the pressure that recaería on these during each party in the middle of the controversy aroused: "The tension keeps growing and the pressure also keeps growing around the referee's figure, when it would have to be protected".
Iturralde Demands respect to the referees
Finally, the otrora referee has indicated which is the purpose that would have this type of actions undertaken by the guild: "Do understand to the people that can not abuse, intimidate and loom with impunity to a referee, was of the division that was. The CTA also has to pose take action".