Few days after it announced his renewal with the Real Madrid by a year more, and to be confirmed like the second captain of the institution merengue, Luka Modric returned to be news, but now by a delicate legal subject. The mediocampista, beside his mate of the selection of Croatia, Leave Lovren, went again inculpados this Thursday by the fiscalía of his country by false testimony in the year 2017.

The indictment comes referred of in a trial by corruption that had shaken to the football of the European country very near of the Glass of the World of Russia, where the Croatian selection finally finished like subcampeón. Both footballers already were inculpados by these facts in the own 2018, but the cause was abandoned some months later, after the final in front of the selection of France in the meeting by the title.

In Croatia try to arrive to the truth of a case that did a lot 'noise'

The facts refer to his testimonies in the trial against the ancient president of the Dínamo of Zagreb, Zdravko Mamic, and other three people, by supposed irregularities in the traspasos of Modric to the Tottenham in 2008 and the one of Lovren to the Lyon two years later. The justice of Croatia suspects that Mamic, suspect in several cases of malversación and that finds in Bosnia, would have diverted with his presumptive accomplices 15,6 million euros, mainly in traspasos fraudulent, hiding to the State 1,6 million euros.

The information, given to know by police sources, refers also that the "penal crime of false testimony" is punished with penalties from among six months and five years of prison, according to the Croatian penal code. The indictments against the two footballers are the same, according to the half local 'Sportske novosti', of a no concluded process and closed partially in 2021.

Modric Has pending things also in the field of game

Thinking in the sportive, Modric decided to continue another season more in the Madrid and refuse a big offer from Middle East, place where the football of Saudi Arabia is trying to convince to all the possible footballers that are at present in the first European level. With this in account expects that it was captain of the whites in a lot of party in this course, although the arrival of Jude Bellingham himself that it can do diminish his minutes.