The Real Madrid has issued a communiqué in which it denies that fans of the Athletic of Madrid do not go to be able to access to Santiago Bernabéu with the colours of his team. The white club besides defends that it has conceded to the colchoneros the same number of entrances that received for the derbi suspender belt in the Civitas Metropolitan: 334.
"The Real Madrid has not forbidden never the entrance to the stadium Santiago Bernabéu to fans with T-shirts of the rival team. Like this it has been always, such as it can ascertain in each celebrated party in our stadium, and like this will keep on being", prays the white club doing reference especially to the informations of 'Mark' of the last hours.
"In front of the information appeared in the cover of the newspaper Marks, in which it ensures that the Real Madrid C. F. It forbids the entrance to our stadium of fans with T-shirts of the instrument visitor, the Real Madrid wants to manifest the following", initiates the communiqué in which besides the entity considers that the cover of the newspaper damages to the Real Madrid like institution.
Paying with the same coin
"Said information is rotunda and absolutely false. The Real Madrid has not forbidden never the entrance to the stadium Santiago Bernabéu to fans with T-shirts of the rival team", explains the club merengue. "Regarding the number of entrances that the Real Madrid has put to disposal of the Athletic of Madrid for this next party, our club wants to leave clear that the number of entrances yielded to the Athletic of Madrid is the same that the Real Madrid receives when it visits the Metropolitan stadium", adds the information.
The communiqué closes it the Madrid wishing that the derbi that contests the Thursday in the Bernabéu by a contingent in the semifinals of the Glass of Rey "was a party of the football that at all neither anybody has to blur with informations absolutely false". The party by the quarter-finals will be the crash 18 between both clubs in the Glass, with register of 11 triumphs merengues and 6 colchoneros.