Claro and cutting message the one who launched Sergio just Bouquets after the bochornosa defeats suffered against the Tottenham (3-1). And it is that, in spite of that the group merengue was shipwrecked once again this season, in this occasion in Champions League, the white captain is convinced that with the step of the parties the team will improve and will give the face to compete to big level.
"We understand the pessimism that can be creating in our fans after these last results. It is necessary to keep the calm and be joined", manifested Sergio Bouquets in the mixed zone of the stadium of Wembley, after the defeat in front of the 'spurs'.
"The Real Madrid always goes back and will put to each one in his place"
"The thing is that when the result does not accompany, the public opinion changes and, obviously, do not expect that it was positive", added. And it warned to all the rivals of the Real Madrid, included the FC Barcelona, that can not "give by dead person" to the group merengue to these heights.
"I do not remove him merit to the Tottenham, understand the pessimism that can be creating. But the Real Madrid always goes back and will put to each one in his place. The one who give him by dead will put him in his place. It had liked us have taken out another result of here. When the result does not accompany, the opinion changes and do not expect that it was positive, the Real Madrid always goes back and goes to go back very soon", said.
It will achieve to raise the Real Madrid?
And it left clear his convencimiento that the team will raise and will go back to chain good results, so much in League as in Champions League. "By my experience of so many years here, it is necessary to keep more than ever the calm. This follows and are alive in our competition preferred that it is the Champions. They did also things very good that blurs the result".