Cristiano Ronaldo, protesting angrily to the referee


Push of Cristiano Ronaldo to the referee and... There will be sanction?

Published:14/08/2017 - 01:46h

Updated:14/08/2017 - 16:46h

Cristiano Ronaldo could not contain just after being expelled by Of Boroughs Bengoetxea in the Camp Nou, and soltó a shy push to the referee that could cost him very expensive in the case that the Committee of Competition decide to value it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The forward and big reference mediática of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, could not control his just anger after being expelled against the FC Barcelona in the Camp Nou, and pushed knowingly to the referee of the party, Of Boroughs Bengoetxea, that turned quickly to look him but afterwards separated the sight, without saying him at all.

Cristiano darse quickly of the error and left with parsimony to the changing rooms, although the norms are cutting in the international football on the relations between referees and players in the field: it can not touch to the referees, and less give them pushes.

Following the rules, therefore, would not be of extrañar that from the Committee of Competition took the decision to analyse the light push of Cristiano Ronaldo to Of Boroughs Bengoetxea for, of this way, esclarecer if the Portuguese player deserves or no some that another party more than sanction owing to his act of indiscipline.

The indiscipline of Cristiano Ronaldo, impune

True is that probably the expulsion was not deserved to the have not pretended Christian a penalti in the area of Ter Stegen. Simply it fell by inertia in the conflict with Umtiti by the balloon. In any case, his airada back reaction to the expulsion leaves clear, once again, that to Cristiano Ronaldo costs him horrors control in situations of high tension.

Proof of this are the aggressions that has committed against contrary players in previous seasons, the big majority of the which have not been punished never by the Committee of Competition. What sucederá this next campaign 2017-18? If the norms of the Spanish football are just, the white letter for Cristiano Ronaldo has to finish.