To his 33 years, is not any secret that Cristiano Ronaldo finds in a big physical moment that allows him shine to base of big performances like which completed this past Tuesday in the Juventus Stadium, with a 'doublet' of scandal in front of the Juventus of Turín in the gone of the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League 2017-18.
The Portuguese forward of the Real Madrid carries two seasons going of less to more and surrendering especially well when they approach the decisive months of the season. Now, the ex preparador physical of Paris Saint-Germain, Raphäel Fèvre, has desvelado in an interview conceded to 'Him Parisien' that the Real Madrid is carrying out a plan of special training with Cristiano.
Cristiano Ronaldo, to the maximum to his 33 years
The ancient miebro of the 'staff' of Paris Saint-Germain kept when seeming a conversation with Pintus, preparador physical of the Real Madrid, in which this explained him how have prepared to Cristiano Ronaldo so that it surrender to the maximum level in spite of having already 33 years.
"It said me that had a long and difficult preparation, and that paid it to the beginning of the season. For Cristiano Ronaldo have a particular management because they take into account his age. It is an addict to the work, likes him this, by what tend to ask him that it calm . They manage it in some sessions and even in some parties. He does not do lacking presionarle, already works", has detailed Fèvre.
The sportive career of Cristiano Ronaldo, in this sense, can lengthen in the elite of the football during several seasons more. "Have the habit to say that in the football are old from the 30 years, but is an error. For some, the bajón is slow and imperceptible. The difficulty is not not having these physical skills, but repeat them during all a season. Cristiano is able of this", ensures.
Cristiano Ronaldo, to a big level of performance
The footballer luso is surrendering to a big level of game in the last dates, of the same way that sucedió in the final stretch of the past season, something that helped him to conquer to final of year all the individual prizes more prestigious.
This campaign 2017-18, however, could cross with the FC Barcelona in some hypothetical semifinals of the UEFA Champions League. With the Barcelona ready to win besides LaLiga, and already in the final of the Glass of Rey, is very likely that the luso remain without prizes to final of year, that would go to stop to the vitrinas of Leo Messi. This yes, still is everything for deciding.