The plan of the PSG to retain to Mbappé and prevent his signing by the Madrid
Published:8/09/2021 - 06:00h
Updated:8/09/2021 - 06:00h
The first proposal of the white rondo the 160 million euros and afterwards increased it in a second to the 170 million euros more other ten in bonus or variables, according to figures handled by the Spanish means and French. But the French newspaper L'Instrument estimates that the PSG would not have answered to an even more near offer to the 200 million euros, reason whereby the whites would have understood that simply the player is not was up for sale in this summer
The battle by the future of the French extreme Kylian Mbappé grieve begins. The Real Madrid CF will bet in the next months to convince to the footballer to keep in the line of not renewing his agreement with the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), which wins in 2022. And the conjoint Frenchman will do, precisely, the contrary and especula that it will bounce the house by the window to retain it in the ambitious project, that promotes from Catar, that already has the services of the best player of the world, the Argentinian star Leo Messi, Sergio Bouquets, Neymar, between other figures.
Of agreement to the information advanced by the journalist Eduardo Inda, during the sportive program 'The Chiringuito of Jugones', the plan of the PSG goes through to offer more money to the champion with the selection of France in the World-wide of Russia 2018 that the one who earns Messi, what would turn him into the best paid of the staff, by on also of Neymar. It would be another bombazo in the table, with the firm intention to shatter the illusions of the ones of the capital of Spain, those who tried to do with the services of Kylian until last hour of the past market of signings.
In fact, it did not go until this Monday 30 August that the group merengue would have withdrawn of the negotiations with the PSG for the signing of the footballer, as the published by diverse media, between them RMC, which advanced the news, the newspaper L'Instrument and the own The Chiringuito of Jugones, driven by the journalist Josep Pedrerol, the one who to the 18:00 hours of this day affirmed that the conversations continued in foot, after aseverar that was possible a positive agreement for the white group.
In the information stood out by RMC and later confirmed by Pedrerol, highlighted that the entity of the capital of Spain did not obtain answer to the third offer presented for the traspaso of Mbappé in return of a near figure to the 200 million euros. It costs to remember, that the Madrid would have fixed a term, which won this Monday to the 18.00 hours.
The first proposal of the white rondo the 160 million euros and afterwards increased it in a second to the 170 million euros more other ten in bonus or variables, according to figures handled by the Spanish means and French. But the French newspaper L'Instrument estimates that the PSG would not have answered to an even more near offer to the 200 million euros, reason whereby the whites would have understood that simply the player is not was up for sale in this summer and that it will have to purchase it in the next market.
The dangerous bet of the PSG
But, the Tuesday 31 August to few hours to finalise the market of passes, ensures that the Madrid went back it to try when formulating a last offer of 200 million euros that the PSG refused, through intermediaries, of agreement to the information obtained by sources of the newspaper Marks. The figures are considered in Spain like a complete madness, understanding that the player in January will remain in freedom. However, the PSG has appealed to the pride and will try that his player finish of here until the 2022 signing the renewal.