Zinedine Zidane, during the previous press conference before the Clásico


Zidane: "I don't think that the Barça have wanted to pressure to the referee"

Published:17/12/2019 - 12:01h

Updated:17/12/2019 - 12:01h

The trainer of the Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane, has appeared in press conference because of the Clásico against the FC Barcelona. He is convinced that they will play the match

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In statements conceded to the media, with reason of the previous of the Classical between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane left clear that his only will is that it can enjoy of a big meeting in the Camp Nou, and that the group merengue achieve a good result. According to him, the white team arrives to the party in a good moment of form. "We carry time playing well. To all the levels, anímicamente and futbolísticamente. We arrive in a moment good".

The expeditions of FC Barcelona and Real Madrid will go boards to the Camp Nou, with the aim to avoid like this any type of problem hours before the Classical. "It is a different thing. The norms are the norms. They said that we have to go out together and go to go out together. It does not be necessary to explain more things. The important is that we play and already is".

"We know that the Barça has to Messi, but we also have our arms"

Zidane never has feared that the party did not go to play . "We have to put our energy in the terrain of game and think that it goes to play. It is the only way to prepare it well. Of the of out, could be a week speaking. Tomorrow we go to play and go to put all the energy", signalled, with the will that the noise do not affect to the arbitration. "The referee has to be calm and it is necessary to leave him do his work. He wants to put in the party to do the things well like us and like the Barcelona. They say a lot of things but the people wants to see a party. There is a lot of noise but is for nothing".

In this sense, ensure that in the Real Madrid there is not worry any. "It does not concern me at all. We are all happy to be able to play a party like this. I agree me when I played and is a party that live to be in them. Only concentrated in the field". They asked him on the problematic that breathes in Catalonia, and Zidane did not doubt in desmarcarse of political subjects. "I do not have to explain at all. I am not here for this. My work is to think in what sucede in the field. We work to play and prepare parties. The majority what wants to is to enjoy of the football, that is what likes us to all".

It asks therefore that it enjoy of the party to all the levels, and will try to brake to Leo Messi as it was. "Can enjoy , yes. It is a football match. We play eleven against eleven and the changes. This is the important. We know with who confront us. We know that has to Messi but we also have our arms. What want to do is a good party".

Zidane faces the Classical decided to enjoy

This will be the first Classical of Zidane from his return to the bench of the Real Madrid, and the only that expects is that it see a big show and that his team play a good party. "Simply I think in this party, because it is the following. I think that it is in what we are all now. We confront us to a rival that carries a good season, we also. I expect that we see a good party, without mattering the result, what matters is how play. The dynamics change fast, centre me in doing my work each day. If I think in what it can happen me each day, would have to change of work".

Finally, besides, it does not think that the last complaints of the FC Barcelona by the arbitration of the party in front of the Real Sociedad have looked for to influence in the referee of the Classical, Hernández Hernández. "I do not think that it was a measure of pressure. Each one can think and say what want".