Alejandro Balde disputando un balón en el duelo entre el Osasuna y el FC Barcelona por la Supercopa de España


This is how Alejandro Balde is for the final against Real Madrid

Published:13/01/2024 - 14:16h

Updated:14/01/2024 - 05:33h

Alejandro Balde's physical condition has been one of the great unknowns for Barça in recent days. The full-back played against Osasuna with back discomfort, so his presence against Real Madrid seemed to falter. However, the prospects from the club seem to be good

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The name of Alejandro Balde has been object of debate in the City Condal in the last times. In spite of being one of the players that more minutes has added under the tutela of Xavi Hernández in this season (1707), his level in the last days has been questioned. Even rumoreaba that the Barça was looking for a new player for the left side because of the injuries of Marcos Alonso and Joãor Cancel, what also would serve like a 'touch' of attention for the '3' culé.

Nevertheless, between so many rumours, the egarense, has left in clear the confidence that has in his left side, one of the big disclosures of The Masia in the last time. Equally, the one of Terrassa has done a disclosure that also has exposed the commitment of the left-handed with the elastic Barcelona.

Alejandro Balde played against the Osasuna 'touched'

In the previous press conference to the commitment between his group and the Real Madrid, valid by the final of the Supercopa of Spain and where expects that the Barcelonan was headline, the Barcelona trainer tackled the cuestionamiento around the actuality of Alejandro Balde of the following way: "The other day it played mermado because it hurt him the back. it is giving Us A lot and it will follow us giving with his arrival…", began saying.

On the same line, Hernández did not doubt in aseverar that the left-handed is a key element in his staff and that the combined merengue, given his quality imperante, will consider it like a point of reference in this side. "The Madrid goes to be very pending of this band with Carvajal or Valverde, as the one who play", concluded.

Xavi 'confirmed' the titularity of Balde for the duel in front of the Madrid

Under this premise, the egarense practically confirmed that Alejandro Balde will be to title in front of the picture of Chamartín, although his physical state does not seem to be the most optimum. This has to no only to the innegable level of game that possesses the Hispanic-dominican, but also to the shortage of left sides in the club. The only option and without natural profile is Héctor Fort, the one who has showed to be useful like solution of emergency for the position, although with a lot of less experience and shooting that Balde, something of which the Barça can not dispense in a meeting of this envergadura.