rajada seleccion madrid


The brutal 'rajada' of a Real Madrid player against his coach

Published:23/08/2024 - 00:41h

Updated:24/08/2024 - 02:21h

Through his social networks, a Real Madrid player issued a statement in which he left his coach very bad. In the text, the Belgian announced a decision he made due to his "lack of trust" in the coach

Calendar of FC Barcelona

A player of the Real Madrid issued a communiqué where announced his course of the selection of Belgium, because of his bad relation with the trainer, Domenico Todesco. The guardameta recognises that the decision is "painful", although desvela that now it will be able to centre in other aims. The text was published through the social networks of the goalkeeper merengue and accumulates cientos of comments by part of his followers.

Thibaut Courtois begins saying that his message is headed to the fans of Belgium and of the selection of his country. Act followed, the archer affirms that it feels a lot of "pride" for being able to represent to the combined national in the terrain of game: "Neither in my best dreams could have imagined can do it more than 100 times", explains the footballer.

The goalkeeper desgrana the problem

The guardameta of the Real Madrid comments that it has decided not going back to the selection of Belgium while the staff follow under the orders of Domenico Todesco: "In this appearance, accept my quota of responsibility", recognises the archer. Later, the Belgian explains why does not want to play in the team that represents to his country and that directs the Italian: "My fault of confidence in him would not contribute to keep the necessary environment of cordialidad", affirms Courtois.

The player explains that it already communicated his decision to the Federation and that the entity accepted his position and the reasons that caused that it abandoned the team. Besides, the goalkeeper affirms that it is convinced that "this is the best measure for Belgium, because it closes a debate and allows to the selection centre in pursuing his aims", comments the one of Bree.

The goodbye of the goalkeeper

Finally, Courtois closes the message with a sentence of farewell: "Thank you by your inquebrantable support, affection and understanding". It fits to remember that the problems between the guardameta and the seleccionador arose in June of the year 2023. In that then, the player of the club chaired by Florentino Pérez abandoned the concentration of the combined national before a party against Estonia.

The measure of the put produced afterwards that the archer was not the captain of the team during a previous duel in which they confronted to Austria. Todesco Decided that the captaincy was to charge of Romelu Lukaku. In this moment, Thibaut Courtois even said that the technician there was it presionado so that it did not go . Now, the conflict goes back to be on the table, but the decision of the goalkeeper already is definite.

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