The Real Madrid does not surprise neither generates opportunities in the field of game. Florentino Pérez presented to Kylian Mbappé like the big promise to reinforce the team of Carlo Ancelotti. However, the exjugador of the PSG does not attain to convince to anybody and the goal follows without arriving. The madridistas trusted that the trident of the attacker, beside Vinicius and Jude Bellingham arrasaría in front of his rivals, but the reality has been entirely distinct.

In the third date of LaLiga, the French forward showed that it has not been able to adapt to his new team. The footballer was very presionado in the first 20 minutes of the duel against the UD The Palms. The hosts surpassed with a so much to the madridistas when you grieve had happened 5 minutes of the start. Even McBurnie almost achieved the second goal five minutes afterwards, all this occurred while the Parisian followed lost.

The player of 25 years moved and even retreated to recover the spherical. Although of a total of nine shots executed by the attacker, Jasper Cillessen only had to stop two. The group merengue turned into the big disappointment, because of the expectation that they same created on this new team under the orders of Carlo Ancelotti.

However, the goal of Mbappé never arrived, in spite of that a lot of fans expected that the third party finish with the drought. On the other hand, Vinicius seemed not being in the field of game. The Brazilian did not generate danger to his rivals and his only performance stood out was thanks to a penalti. In the minute 69, the forward achieved empatar the duel, but his fault of creativity generated a sinsabor in the terracings of the fans merengues.

The Real Madrid 'absent'

The Palms was more near to win the party, but was them cancelled a so much. Although 'Carletto' made rotations, his players were widely surpassed by his rivals. The ones of Luis Carrión won all the duels and generated many more occasions that the madridistas. At present, the team merengue situates in the fifth place with five points, while the FC Barcelona situates in the first place and accumulates nine points. Of this way, the promise of the stars only generates disillusionment. By what the míster has to reconducir his strategy to avoid more disappointments.