Neymar, during the celebration of a goal


Neymar didn't spoken of his future in the stolen interview

Published:16/07/2019 - 19:14h

Updated:16/07/2019 - 19:14h

In spite of the interview to Neymar Jr that has disappeared mysteriously in Brazil, the surroundings of the PSG's player ensures that he did not speak in any moment on his sportive future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In Brazil has generated a big expectancy an interview made to Neymar Jr during the event 'Neymar JR's Five', celebrated the past week, and that mysteriously has disappeared before going out to the light. A journalist of the program 'Aqui na band' ensures that they stole him the audiovisual material of the interview, and that by this reason has not been able to publish still.

In principle it was programmed for the past Friday, but delayed until this past Monday by reasons that desconocían. In the last hours, from the program informed that the reason of the first delay was the disappearance of the interview, and that still has not appeared. All this has served to generate a lot of expectancy in relation to what said Neymar Jr in front of the journalists of 'Aqui na band', as it is logical.

From the surroundings of Neymar Jr, however, signals quand there are not reasons so that the fans and the means more morbosos rub the hands. And it is that, according to the nearest people to Neymar, when seeming the player of Paris Saint-Germain in any moment spoke of his future during the interview in question, but only of subjects related with the 'Neymar JR's Five'.

Appear or no the interview, therefore, can not say that the material was notable to the hour of discernir what will occur with the future of the Brazilian. The journalists of 'Aqui Na Band' ensure that somebody forced the trunk of his car, carrying the strips and all the material of the interview recorded to Neymar in scoop.

Neymar Jr Already is in Paris

Neymar Jr And his say not knowing at all of the subject, and observe the situation with surprise. The Brazilian, in any case, already finds in Paris and, after having gathered with the directors of the French club to recess tensions, has initiated the trainings waiting for knowing where will play the next season 2019-20.

To day of today is a mystery if it will travel beside the rest of the expedition gala to contest the pre-season 2019 or if, by the contrary, will remain in Paris training in solitary until it resolve his traspaso to another club. The FC Barcelona keeps on being the favourite club to carry to the Brazilian star, although from the Camp Nou are not had to throw the house by the window.