In an interview conceded during the last hours to 'Him Parisien', Dani Alves has desvelado the conversation that had with Neymar Jr before the Brazilian attacker took definitively the decision to abandon the FC Barcelona, something that sucedió at the beginning of the month of August, when the Barcelona returned of turns it North American of pre-season.
"I already knew that Neymar Jr wanted other things, and that it wanted to leave the Barcelona", has confessed Alves, one of the best friends of Neymar Jr inside and out of the terrains of game. "I knew his intentions from the concentration of the Brazilian selection (principles of June)", ensures.
"They are mad about us the challenges and the novelty. I said him to Neymar that was free to do it, to leave , but began to doubt when it returned to Barcelona (restarted the entrenos with the FC Barcelona on 14 July). In this moment thought that we could not play together in a team that was not the Barça. But at the end it worked: it came here and I am very happy".
Now that are together in Paris Saint-Germain, Dani Alves has the convencimiento that beside Neymar Jr will be able to conquer important titles in the rows of the Parisian group, one of the most powerful teams of the world from does some months, having made this past summer stellar signings like the same Neymar Jr or Kylian Mbappé, without going more far.
Alves, motivated in the PSG
"Today I can ensure them our wish to do big things, even more than what have done in the past", signals Dani Alves, ilusionado for living a new stage in the European football after the lived in Seville, FC Barcelona and Juventus. The díscolo and veteran carrilero Brazilian does not tire never to play in the elite... Neither to win titles.