Kheira Hamraoui, ex player of the FC Barcelona during a meeting with Paris Saint-Germain


A player of the PSG was detained by a grave aggression to the ex culé Hamraoui

Published:10/11/2021 - 22:05h

Updated:10/11/2021 - 22:05h

Aminata Diallo Was detained by the Regional Police of Versalles afterwards that the investigation determined his implication in the attack to Kheira Hamraoui

Calendar of FC Barcelona

I wrap delicate in sight in the Paris Saint-Germain feminine. The footballer Aminata Diallo has been detained this Wednesday by the Regional Police of Versalles in the frame of the investigation of the grave aggression that suffered the past Thursday his mate of team Kheira Hamraoui, ex player of the FC Barcelona.

Hamraoui Was assaulted by two hooded afterwards to happen a watched in the restaurant Bois of Boulogne of Paris beside his mates of team. The ex culé received several hits in the legs with a bar of iron, what caused that the footballer had to be moved of urgency to the hospital of Poissy, where had to apply him several stitchs in legs and hands.

"Around the 22.30 hours, arrived near of his house, while it still was in the car, driven by Aminata Diallo, saw to appear to two strangers, his faces masked with pasamontañas", related a familiar of Hamraoui on the aggression.

Afterwards to apply the investigation, Aminata Diallo was related like partícipe of the aggression to Kheira Hamraoui and happened to police disposal so that it take statement in front of the French justice, that will have to determine which was the role of the footballer in the aggression to his mate of team.

The PSG condemns the violence of Diallo

After knowing the arrest of Aminata Diallo, the Parisian club issued a communiqué confirming that the footballer is in police dependencies and condemning with firmness the violence of his footballer against his own mate, Kheira Hamraoui.

"The Paris Saint-Germain takes note of the police custody of Aminata Diallo this morning by part of the Versailles SRPJ like part of the open procedure after an aggression the past Thursday at night against players of the Club. The Paris Saint-Germain condemns vigorously the violence committed. From the afternoon of the Thursday 4 November, the Club has taken all the necessary measures to guarantee the health, the welfare and the security of his players. The Paris Saint-Germain is working with Versailles SRPJ to shed light on the facts. The Club is attentive to the course of the procedure and will study the follow-up that give him ", establishes the communiqué of the PSG on the arrest of Aminata Diallo.