Giovana Queiroz with Brazil


Gio Queiroz denounces abuses in his past with Barça

Published:29/03/2022 - 17:26h

Updated:30/03/2022 - 08:52h

The Barça Women's player, Gio Queiroz, publicly denounced several "abusive behaviors" that she suffered while she was a minor within the club. Now on loan at Levante, he has made everything clear on his social networks

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Giovana Queiroz, footballer of the FC Barcelona, has made public this Tuesday one an open letter to Joan Laporta, president of the club, in his account of Twitter. In her, the current player of the Raise (in condition of yielded) different complaint attitudes of the institution and diverse "abusive behaviours" to his person when it still was minor of age.

With 18 years, the forward leaves clear in his publication that began to receive a different deal when it received his first announcement to the selection of Brazil. "First I received indications that play with the Brazilian selection would not be the best for my future inside the club. In spite of the unpleasant and persistent bullying, did not give him a lot of importance and attention to the subject", indicated.

Act followed, added that after a time, the threats went back greater through other mechanisms of pressure, everything with the aim of arrinconarle. "They treated me of abusive way so that it renounced to the Brazilian selection. They used arbitrary methods with the clear aim to prejudice my professional life inside the club", continued Gio.

Also it mentioned that it was subjected to an illegal "quarantine" by part of the medical services of the entity, by a supposed narrow contact. "Like the order of the doctor was contrary to the sanitary protocol, contacted directly with the Departament of Salut of Catalonia and asked explanations. The answer was clear and conclusive. My case was not neither could be considered like narrow contact according to the valid sanitary protocol", affirmed.

'Indiscipline' sportive

Because of the compulsory confinement, lost the Glass of the Queen, but afterwards would travel with the 'canarinha' to United States, what caused him grave problems "When arriving, speak with the director of the club and was accused to have committed a grave indiscipline. Thus it went to be separated of the team and would suffer big consequences", said the current forward of the Raise.

Besides, near to finalise, the text signals several threats during this conversation. "It felt me totally unprotected. I suffered situations humillantes and shameful during months inside the club. It was clear that he looked for to destroy my reputation, minar my self-esteem, degrade my labour conditions. It wanted to despise and infravalorar my psychological conditions", aim Queiroz.

Finally, it expressed that the fact that it was lower of age (17 years) did not seem a moral obstacle for his aggressor. "Certainly it acted with the feeling of impunity. He felt that it had the protection of his charge inside the FC Barcelona. It is likely that the memories, the trauma and his effects last a lot of years", concluded the goleadora, including a sentence in which it comments that the club is not the direct manager of the behaviours reported.