Patri Pebble, midfield player of the Barça Femení, went one of the precursors in the crusade of the feminine football with the RFEF, with the aim to improve his labour conditions. The native of Palm was one of the first Spanish players in renouncing to the selection to demand significant improvements, in what probably it went his best sportive year (seven goals and 11 assistances in 38 meetings). This decision was almost heroic, but had repercussions in his mental health.

Now, once happened the storm, the midfield player has explained to the 'Periodic of Catalonia' how finds at present, tackling subjects related with how lived the past and complex summer with the Barça Femení and how faced his separation of the national selection of Spain.

How I face Patri Pebble his separation of the Spanish selection?

In the first place, it is important to mention that, according to the words of the palmesana, in spite of have not been with his mates in the achievement of the Glass of the World 2023 in Australia and New Zealand, a process that she describes like "hard", has not doubted in standing out that this has served him to "evade a bit of the football" and take advantage of to happen more time with his family.

In relation with this, Patri Pebble also has mentioned that the psychological help has been an important appearance to manage mentally all this situation. It has affirmed that this has helped him to have clarity in his decision and to feel quite calm in this regard. In front of the question of if it has reconsidered his decision, has been cutting when saying: "At the end, I am struggling by something, is not because it give me to me wins it".

The Barcelona midfield player also expressed that, in spite of all the scandal that destapó in the RFEF and the back reactions, feels calm because all has gone out to the light. However, it regrets that it have had to occur all this so that they take measured in the subject. It mentioned the penalty that generated him the incident between Jenni Beautiful and Luis Rubiales, with the controversial kiss. Although it feels proud to see how the guild of the feminine football joined to issue a communiqué against the RFEF, in which no less than 81 footballers appeared like signatories.

Patri Pebble and his actuality in the Barça Femení

In key of the Barça Femení, Patri Pebble also has spoken on the flawless beginning of season that has had the Barça Femení. Although it has been a difficult summer, considers that the environment in the changing room is quite good. Even it affirms that "in the trainings, east has been one of the best starts of season in terms of intensity and game".

In relation with his renewal with the combined Barcelona, the palmense has explained that it is due to that the style of game of the Barça is the one who more likes him and calls him the attention in terms of work, compañerismo and values. It stood out to feel "valued and supported in the club, especially in difficult situations".

Patri Pebble, the one who is nominated to the Balloon of Gold, also has commented on his new role in the Barça Femení. Because of the absence of Alexia by injury the past season, had to assume another role and abandon his position of pivote. From this, the midfield player has recalcado the following: "it cost Me a bit begin. Obviously, it had to adapt me to a new position and began to feel me frustrated in some situations. After Navidad began me to feel better. I finished the season with the two goals in the final and feeling me much more comfortable".

Pebble and his fight against the disparity in the football

Finally, the Barcelona midfield player also has tackled the subject of the disparity between the feminine and masculine football, affirming that in LaLiga there are "quite a lot of differences". Although in the Barça are doing movements to equate the actions, like playing the Classical in the Montjuïc. In front of this, Patri Pebble emphasizes in that "on 19 November, day of the Classical, will be very special".

In spite of this, recognises that it still remains a lot for doing to equalise the labour conditions and mentions the frustration that feel when wanting a competitive Feminine League, where all the players can devote to the football and have the necessary means to do it. Concluding with that questions like the pregnancies and the injuries would have to be covers in the feminine football.