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Jenni Hermoso gives the 'final blow' to Rubiales with some harsh statements

Published:24/08/2023 - 01:21h

Updated:24/08/2023 - 01:22h

The case of Luis Rubiales and his controversy with Jenni Hermoso is far from over. Now, the Spanish player has spoken out about the unfortunate incident, announcing through her spokesperson, FUTPRO, the legal actions that she will take in response to this event

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Rubiales, the current president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football, finds in the middle of a controversy because of a regrettable incident in which it kissed him in the mouth to Jenni Beautiful without his consent. Such scene passed during the ceremony of delivery of medals in Sídney, afterwards that 'The Red' achieved the exploit to top champion of the world for the first time in his history.

Although a lot of voices have pronounced against of this action reprensible, was missing to listen the opinion of the '10' Spanish, the one who formed part of this uncomfortable scene. Initially, she only had commented in a 'live' of Instagram: "But what do I if it has not liked me?". Nevertheless, after some days, has decided to express of way more serious and critical to the Spanish mandator through FUTPRO, an association commissioned to defend the labour rights of the footballers.

FUTPRO Has not saved at all

FUTPRO Has issued a communiqué condemning the behaviour of Rubiales for the Barcelona player, urging to that take the measures adapted in this case. In this proclaims, stands out that "as a result of the events during the final of the Feminine World-wide Glass of the FIFA, that involved to the president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football, Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, ours affiliated, Jennifer Beautiful, wishes to manifest the following: 'My union FUTPRO, in coordination with my agency TMJ, will commission to defend my interests and act like speakers in this subject'".

Besides, in the writing urges to the Real Spanish Federation of Football to take measures and adopt necessary protocols to protect the rights of the players. It emphasizes that it is essential that the national team, as current champion of the world, was represented always by figures that promote the equality and the respect in all the fields. Also it stands out the importance to follow advancing in the fight by the equality, a fight in which the players have led with determination and that has carried them to the position in which they find today.

Luis Rubiales already has more than a complaint in his against in the CSD

The communiqué also does a called to the Upper Council of Sports (CSD) so that, inside his competitions "support and promote actively the prevention and intervention in cases of bullying or sexual abuse, machismo and sexismo". It fits to stand out that in this organism, as it reviews the 'Daily ACE', already exist at least four complaints against Rubiales: one of Miguel Ángel Galán, another of Xavier Estrada Fernández and the two become by this case by part to Add and League F.

Like colophon, proclaims it of FUTPRO refuses any behaviour that violate the rights of the footballers and works to ensure that these acts do not remain impunes, are sanctioned and take the necessary measures to protect to the players of actions that consider "unacceptable".

FUTPRO Will gather with Yolanda Díaz

The organisation chaired by Amanda Gutiérrez has announced that it will gather the Monday 28 August with Yolanda Díaz, the current minister of Work and Economy, with the aim to argue the labour conditions of the players and the actions to take so that the regrettable events occurred in the final of the Glass of the World are properly sanctioned.