Barça Femení manager announces a small revolution this summer
Published:20/04/2023 - 22:19h
Updated:20/04/2023 - 22:19h
A squad as competitive as that of Barça Femení is not easy to maintain in each market since there are usually many interested in the great Barça players, something that the club itself has confirmed.
The mánager general of the FC Feminine Barcelona, Markel Zubizarreta, was in 'Barça TV' analysing what has been the season in the dispatches culés up to now and has ensured that "have done the work of prompt renewals and have achieved to renew to the eight that finished agreement". In this sense, the Barcelona executive revealed that "sure that will have gone in and exits" in the next market of winter.
On the planning to average term of the team, Zubizarreta has wanted to detail that "have a Feminine B leader in second with young people that has to go for up. Have to finish it to outline. By a thing or another will have work until the last days". Also it wanted to leave clear that "the bet of the club by the feminine football does not argue , the aim of future will be the same, it will be necessary to adapt how invest the money to be better to half term".
Party very hard but with an authentic equipazo for this
The Catalan team has travelled to London for the party of gone of the semifinals of the Champions League, a series that for Markel "will be an eliminatory súper equalised. "Any detail will mark the eliminatory", ensured the director. Equally it has mentioned that "it is a day that need to all the fans with us. We need to a lot of people to enjoy with us, to encourage us, to have a day like all those that have had in the Camp Nou, no only the past season, but also this, that are unforgettable for all", remembered Zubizarreta.
Already thinking in the end of the season and the market, the executive wanted to ensure that "have a team that competes very well against all the world". Already on the injury of Alexia Putellas explained that "I remember that the first days of July had the agreement with Salma and went it to present and thought that had the enclosed staff, and happened the misfortune of Alexia and did to jump everything. Keira was not posed in a start and this did to see how posed us the roles in the half. When we call to the City at the beginning were not very biased, went a more seemed operation to the masculine football".
An increasingly competitive staff
The mánager general equally left words of elogia to the team and especially, to the trainer, Jonatan Giráldez. "It is hipercompetitivo in his day in day out, and has this point to infect this competitiveness by everything. We compete even doing the rondo in the minute 2 of training. You do not achieve 60 victories if you do not have this mentality", sentenced Zubizarreta.