Icardi Follows desatado with the Inter and 'warn' to the Barça in Champions
Published:30/10/2018 - 16:02h
Updated:30/10/2018 - 17:06h
The Argentinian forward of the Inter of Milan, Mauro Icardi, transformed a 'doublet' in the last hours against the Lazio (0-3) and the team 'nerazzurri' already is second in the Series To. Of here to a week will go back to measure to the Barcelona in Champions League
The Inter of Milan won in style this Monday to the Lazio (0-3), out of house and with a 'doublet' of Mauro Icardi that is in a big state of form, in spite of remaining without marking the past week in the Camp Nou. The 'nerazzurri' already are second in the classification of the Series To, with 22 points, empatados with the Naples and 6 points underneath of the Juventus (28).
Icardi Needed very little to mark his two goals against the Lazio. It opened the veda in the minute 28 when taking advantage of the dispute of a balloon divided, and closed it in the minute 70 after recortar with the right and define with the left leg.
Now, Mauro Icardi adds already six goals in the table of goleadores of the Series To, to one of the seven of Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) and to three of the nine of Kysztof Piatek, the one who follows calling to the door of the big with his targets in the Italian championship.
With the 'doublet' of Icardi and having arrived already until the second position, the Inter of Milan follows showing a solidity that will do him fault to the hour to try mark in the next crash against the FC Barcelona, in the fourth day of the phase of groups of the Champions League that will contest the next week, in which to the Barça will touch him visit Giuseppe Meazza.
To the culés only does them fault a point to seal of form practically mathematical the pass to the eighth of final, by what is possible that Valverde no kickoff to the eleven 'titularísimo' of the last parties and bet for reserving to some that another player, changing perhaps of tactical training to try tie up the point, that would come of perlas to the culés.
The Inter wants to 'vendetta' against the Barcelona
The Inter of Milan, by his part, will try to show a greater fortress in all the lines that the showed the past Wednesday in the Camp Nou, when it lost 2-0 against a FC Barcelona that, without Leo Messi and with the presence of Rafinha Alcántara in the eleven headline, showed that it continues being a competitive and able team to win to any rival. The Tuesday 6 November will discover if the Inter takes his 'vendetta' or if, by the contrary, the FC Barcelona goes back to give the face without his big star.