The Argentinian star of the fc barcelona bends in titles to the Portuguese

Cristiano comforts with goals in front of the titles of Messi

Cristiano comforts with goals in front of the titles of Messi

Published:14/10/2015 - 10:13h

Updated:14/10/2015 - 10:13h

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The history of Christian is the one of a want to and can not, the one of a 'seems that yes' that at the end is 'no'. The Portuguese always has tried to equalise to Leo Messi, but the Argentinian has more than the double of titles that he and has won also four Balloons of Gold... That in January will be five

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Cristiano Ronaldo lived this past Tuesday to the midday one of these celebrations that so much like him, in which he is the protagonist and attains to hoard all the attention mediática possible. And it is that to the Portuguese star delivered him his fourth Boot of Gold and, after having surpassed to Leo Messi in the number of these prizes -the Argentinian has three-, in the Spanish capital seemed that by moments the madridismo took oxygen after a past season in which it did not win any of the three important titles: Glass of Rey, League BBVA and Champions League.

This is because the three were won by a FC Barcelona led by Leo Messi, that without need to appear each two by three in galas mediáticas -although it does some months won the Prize to Better Player of the UEFA- base his legend in the fact to having achieved more than the double of titles that the big star of the Real Madrid, having conquered also in four occasions the maximum individual prize that can win , the Balloon of Gold, and being about to achieve it by fifth time during the next month of January in Zúrich (Switzerland).

As well it says the journalist Josep Maria Casanovas in an article published in the newspaper 'Sport', therefore, Cristiano Ronaldo lives of the goal, whereas Leo Messi does it of the titles. The goals of the Portuguese in League BBVA and Champions League did not serve to the Real Madrid the past course to do with any title, taking into account besides that the luso is used to to mark the big majority of his goals in the parties little trascendentes, like the four goals annotated in front of the Espanyol this season in Cornellà-The Prat. It does some days Peeled recognised that Leo Messi has been the best player of the last decade, and did not be him reason.

Messi has four Champions League and seven Leagues, the most important titles to level of club, whereas Cristiano Ronaldo has two Champions, a League and two Premier League between Real Madrid and Manchester United. Regarding important trophies, therefore, Messi follows being to years light of a much more human player that alien.