The FIFA censored to Neymar in the Gala of the Balloon of Gold
The FIFA censored to Neymar in the Gala of the Balloon of Gold
During the celebration of delivery of prizes of the Balloon of Gold 2015, the FIFA censored in the video of presentation of Neymar Jr 100% Jesús" that lució the Brazilian in the strip that carried in the head to celebrate the Champions. Said manipulation has seeded the controversy
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Controversial decision the carried out by the FIFA during the Gala of the Balloon of Gold 2015 that carried out the past Monday in Zúrich. The maximum organism of the international football decided to censor, in the video of presentation of Neymar Jr like one of the three candidates to win the prestigious prize, 100% Jesus" that lució in the celebration of the UEFA Champions League 2014-15. The "11" of the Barça appeared in the sequence with an entirely white strip and without letters that could read during the fotograma in which it sees him raising the Champions.
At the beginning said manipulation had happened unobserved for the media, but the fact that some religious platforms Christians have complained of the become has seeded the controversy in the last hours. The platform of collected of signatures "Hazteoir.com", without going more far, has launched a campaign of collected of signatures to ask to the FIFA that rectify and go back to publish said video without censorship, that is to say, allowing that it can read 100% Jesus" that lucía Neymar Jr in the white strip that dressed after conquering the Champions.
"Please, it asks to the FIFA that do not skew the information and plant the original image. The religious freedom is a right guaranteeed in the Universal Statement of the DDHH and the FIFA like international organism has to recognise it and respect it", has explained the quoted platform.
The FIFA, by his part, has answered during the last hours to the increasing critical of a sector of fans trying justify, when signalling that erasing the content of the strip that exhibited the footballer of the FC Barcelona only wanted to avoid "offend sensitivities" of people that were followers of Neymar but did not go Christian. What is clear, anyway, is that the manipulation of censorship of the FIFA will give still a lot that speak.
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