Mbappé Tightens the Boot of Gold: 'hat-trick' to put pressure to Messi
Published:22/04/2019 - 01:41h
Updated:22/04/2019 - 01:57h
Kylian Mbappé Follows showing that it is a firm applicant to snatch him to Leo Messi the Boot of Gold of the present season. The forward of Paris Saint-Germain put three goals and now is to other three of 'hunt' to the Argentinian
Leo Messi is totally centred in winning the triplete with the FC Barcelona, since the collective attainments -especially win the Champions League- are the most important for him. Nevertheless, the Argentinian is the maximum goleador of Europe with 33 goals and goes first in the fight by the Boot of Gold, but this day did not mark in front of the Real Sociedad and Kylian Mbappé approaches him dangerously.
The forward of Paris Saint-Germain marked the three so many of the goleada of the Parisian group to the Monaco (3-0) that, curiously, is his ex team. It did not have mercy the leading Frenchman, that already adds 30 targets and that plants , after this day, to only three of Messi. The threat on the Argentinian is total, since very probably Ernesto Valverde give him rest in some parties thinking in the Champions, something that the French could take advantage of very well to advance him.
Without place to doubts, it is necessary to recognise the evidence in front of the exceptional season of Mbappé, that has adapted to perfection to his new role. In the present season, the ex of the Monaco is playing as leading only centre, when in previous seasons did it in the band, already went in the right or in the left.
The fact to centre his position has favoured him to turn into a player more realizador, although logically it does not have so much margin of manoeuvre for desbordar as when it plays in a side. If his effectiveness follows to a so high level, does not be necessary descartarle for nothing of the fight with Messi for being the maximum goleador European.
The following maximum goleadores of Europe proceed of the Series To Italian and are Fabio Quagliarella, that has marked 22 goals, and Krzysztof Piatek (21 so many), the forward that wanted to fichar the FC Barcelona and that now follows shining in the Milan. Empatado With this last is his compatriot Robert Lewandowski, of the Bayern of Munich, and Karim Benzema, of the Real Madrid.
By his part, Luis Suárez carries 20 so many and is equalised with Duván Zapata in the eighth position. To find to Cristiano Ronaldo, have to travel until the position number nine, with 19 goals, empatado with Mohamed Salah and Sergio Agüero.
Classification of the Boot of Gold
- 1. Leo Messi (33 goals; 66 points)
- 2. Kylian Mbappé (30 goals; 60 points)
- 3. Fabio Quagliarella (22 goals; 44 points)
- 4. Krzysztof Piatek (21 goals; 42 points)
- Robert Lewandowski (21 goals; points)
- Karim Benzema (21 goals; points)
- Mbaye Diagne (28 goals; 42 points)
- 8. Duván Zapata (20 goals; 40 points)
- Luis Suárez (20 goals; 40 points)
- 10. Cristiano Ronaldo (19 goals; 38 points)
- Sergio Agüero (19 goals; 38 points)
- Mohamed Salah (19 goals; 38 points)