The external face of the new Santiago Bernabéu


Tremendous complaints from residents near the Santiago Bernabéu due to the works and noise

Published:21/05/2024 - 19:38h

Updated:21/05/2024 - 19:38h

Enrique Martínez, president of the Association of Neighbors Harmed by the Bernabéu, expressed himself clearly in an interview about the difficulties that residents of the areas near the Real Madrid stadium have faced, thus explaining all the factors that cause great discomfort

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The neighbours of Santiago Bernabéu are not living a day in day out very plácido. Why? Because of the noise that is used to generate from comport them of the stadium of the Real Madrid, which has turned into a big annoyance for the residents of the surrounding areas. So much it is so varied of them have joined to form the Residents' association Prejudiced by the Bernabéu, whose president is Enrique Martínez. In an interview in the program 'The Món to RAC1', Martínez exposed all the complexities to which confront the residents of the zone.

The annoyances that generate the reiterated concerts in Santiago Bernabéu

In the first place, Martínez stood out the problems that supposes the constant realisation of concerts in the stadium. "They have converted the stadium in an eventódromo because they are doing concerts each two by three, of way continued, in a stadium that does not have the licence for this because it is an enclosure for sportive events. Only excepcionalmente can do a concert", limited.

To his time, the president of the Residents' association Prejudiced by the Bernabéu also desveló the reason of the complaints by the realisation of these events in the feudo merengue. "It is not insonorizado and the levels of noise are absolutely insoportables. They surpass with a lot of the legal rule and there is a wave of citizen indignation because it is affecting to a lot of people: boys, greater, small… is unsustainable", signalled.

The Residents' association Prejudiced by the Bernabéu pretend to take legal measures to remedy this situation

In this sense, Martínez left clear that the association does not have the intention to remain of arms crossed and, if necessary, will carry the case in front of the European justice because of the gravity of the subject. "The big majority of the means silencian the complaints and have the full consciousness that the only possibility that this authentic disparate revierta is by the judicial road. We know that it is long, costly, but will win it because besides in this case of the noises trascend the administrative road. They are crimes against the health. They are real histories of people that suffer a situation insoportable", contributed.

Likewise, the interviewed mentioned how has violated widely the regulation regarding the noise allowed in the zone of the stadium. "From the eleven of the night can not surpass in residential zone the 45 decibels more a margin of 5, speak of 50, but is that in some cases arrives to 90, but well go to speak of 80. These 30 decibels are absolutely above the law and represent ten times more than the level allowed. It is not a normal scale, as it could be of speeds, is ten times more the allowed. This attentive against the general health is considered like a possible crime. When they come civil servants to measure it say us that it is incredible and insoportable", reviewed.

The complaints by the new parking of Santiago Bernabéu

Martínez neither wasted the occasion to complain of the works of the new parking of the stadium, which have caused the split of a pipe of gas and have forced to the closing of the traffic in the Castellana. According to the referred source, this also constitutes a rape of the law: "By reasons that desconozco exists a dejación of functions of the administration, that is the one who has to defend to the citizens".

Likewise, Martínez deepened why, from a normative point of view, is not correct that are carrying out these works. "I give them a data: have reports of the own city council, that already has them the judge in his power, saying that these works can not do. They are of the general director of planing of the City council of Madrid, two reports of ten pages each one"."This is not delinquir?", they asked him. "Claro, but to the four days to publish the reports, he same does a report saying well, look, where has said this, has not taken into account that in reality this is for such and which, feeling dizzy the partridge. To the four days approves these projects of work", added.

To close, Martínez aseveró that, in front of the forcefulness of the proofs on this case, can do justice. "In case it was little, they hide these documents and embezzle them to our knowledge. They hid them. I expect that in front of these so overwhelming proofs of illegality, the judge pronounce . It is not descartable the penal road", concluded.