This is what earn the players of the Barça Feminine
Published:15/05/2021 - 21:14h
Updated:15/05/2021 - 21:14h
The average of annual wage of the players and technical body of the staff of the FC Barcelona, in the present campaign 2020-21, is of little more than 150.000 euros
After the past 15 August approved in the Official Bulletin of the State (BOE) the I Collective Agreement of feminine football in Spain to regulate the labour conditions of the players of the First Iberdrola, the budget of the FC Barcelona in his feminine category has elevated of face to the present campaign 2020-21 until the six million euros, of which 3,63 millions are to pay the wages of the sportive staff.
A quantity that, in spite of the derivative economic crisis of the pandemia by Covid-19, the FC Barcelona has made public for the first time during this season after the profesionalización of the feminine football Spanish, turns him into the Spanish team that more money has invested in his feminine section of the 18 teams that integrate the League Ibedrola this course.
With these figures, the Barcelona picture cuadriplica what the majority of his rivals in Spain can allocate to this section, in spite of that the Barça feminine precisely opted for this season not modifying the staff during the last summer after the ending anticipated of the competitions by the pandemia.
In said conservative bet, frame the signings of Ana-Maria Crnogorčević, Caroline Hansen, and the international Jennifer Beautiful, that arrived free pertinent of the Athletic of Madrid, the three incorporated in the summer of 2020. In this course, the group of Lluís Cortés has the mathematically won League, is in the final of the Champions League Feminine and in the semifinals of the Glass of the Queen 2021, after having won the triplete in 2020 and with some figures for the history.
Therefore, with a budget of costs of so alone six million euros (ridiculous figure in comparison with the total of the FC Barcelona of 796 million euros for this year), the average of annual wage of the players and technical body of the Barcelona staff is of 151.250 euros. That is to say, the costs that comports the Barça Feminine to the Barcelona entity represent only 0,75% of the total. Likewise, although the wages are the more heights between all the footballers in Spain, keep on being very inferior in comparison with the ones of other sportive sections of the Barcelona.
A step at the front
In spite of the big inequality that still exists in Spain, the approval of the I Collective Agreement of feminine football in Spain has meant a step at the front to be able to some day reach the equality of conditions in the sport king. Said agreement has established that the footballers have rights by motherhood conciliation with the personal life, protection in front of the male chauvinistic violence, a minimum wage and compensation for studying.
It is important to highlight that the agreement, that has prorrogado during this season established a minimum wage of 16.000 annual euros or the proportional quantity that correspond in function of the day pactada. A wage that the players of the Barça multiply by nine. The Barcelona has still a lot that advance in matter of feminist equality, but the way to conquer it ilusiona to the Barça feminine.