Alexis Sánchez, celebrating a goal


Alexis Sánchez: "Puyol is the best captain I've ever had"

Published:30/09/2019 - 12:18h

Updated:30/09/2019 - 12:18h

Alexis Sánchez, who was the best Barça player in history, will return to Camp Nou as a rival in the Champions League, defending Inter's shirt

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Alexis Sánchez is one of these footballers that remember with affection in the Camp Nou, by his deployment and his effort in each party that played. The Chilean was one of these able players of the best and of the worst, marking golazos or failing others that were sung. In an interview for the UEFA remembered his stage like Barcelona.

In spite of that in some moments was criticised by his performance, Alexis Sánchez has a good memory of his stay in the FC Barcelona and of all what learnt like footballer of the Catalan team. "It was something beautiful, teachs you to play to the football of different form, with the possession of the balloon", explained

"If you want to win to the Barcelona can not fail any clear occasion"

Besides, elogió to Carles Puyol, considering him the best captain that has had never. "When I arrived to Barcelona spoke that it was the best Barcelona of the history in this moment. They were Guardiola, Messi, Xavi, Iniesta… that now they are not. It was Puyol, that for me is an incredible captain, the best that have had in my career up to now", manifested.

For the Chilean, the FC Barcelona supposed an improvement so much in the sportive appearance as in the personnel. "In the Barcelona learnt a lot in the sense to improve I same. Had at the side to players of quality, that had won a World-wide, that each day improved in his physicist, in his communication in the field", signalled, adding that "to part of all this, also the feeding, to take care one same. Nowadays, the one who has to have the clear head is the player".

Alexis in the Inter

Now, Alexis will go back to the Camp Nou like rival in Champions League, dressing the T-shirt of the Inter of Milan. "Home, they are very strong, have the confidence to play there. If have an occasion or two occasions, can not waste them. I played with the United there and waste three or four clear occasions. Afterwards to them they remain them one or two, put them, and are 3-0 down. If you want to win to the Barcelona can not fail any clear occasion", commented.

The Chilean forward thinks that the Inter of Milan is able to go back to win the Champions League, as it already did with José Mourinho. "To all player would like him win a Champions. One plays it to win it, no only to compete. I the game to win. It is something beautiful for any player and for the Inter for being able to ilusionarse again with the Champions", said.

Besides, Alexis recognised that fichar by the Inter supposed "to go back to reencontrarme with the football, with a trainer (Antonio Conte) that already knew and with players that already knew (Lukaku). I think that they are arming something beautiful for the future, the Inter did not win from does seven and eight years, and based in going back to reencontrarme with the football to win something with this club".

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