Paulo Dybala, seated in the bench of the Juventus of Turín


Allegri, on the 'banquillazo' to Dybala: "it Is good for him"

Published:18/12/2017 - 17:05h

Updated:18/12/2017 - 17:14h

The trainer of the Juventus, Massimiliano Allegri, pronounced in the last hours on the fact that Paulo Dybala went back to remain in the bench during the party of this last day in the Series To. "it is finding To himself same"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Juventus of Turín, Massimiliano Allegri, went back to be asked in press conference by the suplencias of Paulo Dybala, that once again did not begin of start in the day of Series To of this past weekend. The technician of the 'Vecchia Signora' and spoke clear on the situation of the Argentinian attacker, that carries weeks without crossing by his best moment.

"It is good for him. When you are in a team have to leave the 'I' by the 'we'. His qualities are indisputable and he is finding ", commented in relation to the suplencias of Dybala, a player that sounded for the FC Barcelona during three consecutive summers.

"There are times in which the players are not in his best moments"

"There are times in which the players are not in his best moments and have to take decisions. Luckily, there are more important players in the picture. The bench does not like, but is well. The important is to react", added besides Allegri on the case of the Argentinian.

The trainer, in any case, signalled that Dybala is recovering well to physical and mental level, by what is convinced that it soon will go back to have the necessary rhythm to be headline and offer a good performance along what subtracts of season.

How long it will follow Dybala in the Juventus?

We remember that, it does some days, Dybala lit the signal of alert in the Juventus when it recognised, in an interview, that can not engage for life with the 'Vecchia Signora'. For the moment, in any case, does not foresee that it move of a Juventus in which it is the main star, together with Gonzalo Higuaín.

"We are growing physically and like compact team. The merit is of all, there is a big availability", valued finally Allegri on the performance of the team turinés, that with the step of the weeks is going of less to more.