Cristiano Ronaldo gave positive by coronavirus in the concentration of Portugal during the stop of selections. This fact has caused that they observe the behaviours of the Portuguese before it knew the news. The forward broke several norms and from Italy are criticising him a lot. Vincenzo Spadafora, minister of Juvenile Politics and Italian Sport, loaded duramente against him in an interview for 'L'Aria che throws'.
"These big champions feel above all else", began the politician. To continuation, informed that it has opened him a file in the Fiscalía of Turín and is in process another sportive. "When it was to the selection violated the protocol, so much that it opened a file in the Fiscalía of Turín, after the report of the ASL, that also will give place to the opening of a sportive file", signalled.
Spadafora Continued his criticism against the Portuguese star and wanted to direct to the president of the Juve and of all the clubs of Italy, to which urged to tie more in short to his stars for the sake of the football. "The champions have to be examples. It was the president Agnelli also bother with him? I would say them to the presidents that look inside his clubs for salvaguardar the industry of the football", affirmed.
On the other hand, it left clear that the protocol is the same for all the footballers and teams, by what there will be any deal of favour this campaign. "The protocol has been accepted by the League and the teams, can not change it every time to protect to the Juve or to the Napoli", said. In relation to this, spoke of how is evolving the pandemia in the Italian football, something worrisome of face to the ending of this League.
Spadafora Has doubts on the dispute of the Calcium
"There are a lot of infections in Italy. I do not know if the league will be able to arrive to the end, do not have certainty this year, and the League also has to be conscious of this, that has to think in a plan B and C", informed the minister of Sports. In case that the contagions go to more and the dispute of the championship peligre, the decision of the Calcium could be play in a species of bubble, as it has done recently in the NBA.
Spadafora Spoke on this possibility that would require a tremendously important effort by part of the league, of the players and of all the professionals of this sport. "A bubble for the players? This protocol works and would not have to have problems if it respects . But obviously the protocol foresees the bubble. However, when a club or a player does not respect it...", it said, showing his doubts regarding the attitude of the protagonists.
Cristiano comes to be centenarian goleador with Portugal