An altar in honour to Diego Maradona in Naples


The autopsy reveals that Maradona was in decline during hours before dying

Published:25/12/2020 - 13:34h

Updated:25/12/2020 - 13:34h

To almost a month of his death, the experts determined the absence of alcohol and drugs in the organism of Diego Armando Maradona, and that suffered a long agony

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They revealed some details on the death of the mythical Diego Armando Maradona. The first reports showed that there was not trace of alcohol or drugs in the organism of the Argentinian star, the one who died the past 25 November. However, they found several psicofármacos like "venlafaxina, quetiapina, levetiracetam and naltrexona", as it indicated the investigation.

Maradona Did not die of sudden death, but it suffered a long agony that supposedly prolonged between 6 and 8 hours, according to desvelaron the reports. The decease had been attributed to a "acute edema of secondary lung to a chronic cardiac insufficiency reagudizada", but the autopsy also detected a "miocardiopatía dilated". The heart of Diego weighed more than the double of what would have to one healthy and normal.

The cardiac problems of Maradona began in the 2000 when, to the edge of the death, was hospitalizado by overdose of cocaine. In spite of this old pathology, did not find rests of medication for the heart. On the other hand, in the samples of urine found drugs to treat the grave depression and addictions; antiepilépticos; antipsicóticos and another recommended for the abstinence of the alcohol.

These informations reinforce the penal cause opened by the complaints of Matías Morla, lawyer of the ex player, by supposed medical negligence. To the dessert of the death of the 'Lint', the judicial investigation imputed to the doctor commissioned of his operation by homicide culposo, Leopoldo Luque. The nurse that commissioned to take care to the ex player in his domicile, also was imputed. The fiscal attendants of the case announced that they will summon an interdisciplinary board to evaluate the studies and determine if the death of Maradona could be avoided.

The consequences of the decease of Diego

As a result of his demise have desatado multiple consequences, from a supposed licking to a man that desecrated his corpse, until the imputación of his doctor and carer by his presumptive responsibility in the death of Diego. His decease consternó to the whole world, that 25 November all paralysed when receiving the regrettable news that Diego Armando Maradona had died owing to an infarct. And until the capes are not tied, the investigations and indictments will not cease.

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