The traspaso of Casemiro to the Manchester United was the 'bombazo' more unexpected of the summer. After a frightful start of season, with two humiliations been still in the Premier League, the 'network devils' looked for to give him a twist to the dynamics of the team and put all the efforts in the signing of the Brazilian. The mediocampista is one of the best footballers of his position, and Erik Have Hag wanted to cause a positive effect in his team with his experience and quality.

However, with the landing of the paulista in Old Trafford, the good results began to arrive for the mancunianos. The victory against the Liverpool by 2-1 changed totally the bad dynamics of the square directed by the Dutch, those who add 4 triumphs followed and already situate in the fifth position of the table of classification of the Premier with 12 points, to alone three of the leader, the Arsenal of Mikel Arteta.

Precisely, these last lost his invicto in the local competition in hands of the 'red devils', those who achieved the triumph with a conclusive 3-1. In this party, Casemiro grieve contested the 10 final minutes in which Erik looked for to close the meeting with a 'wall' defensive. Previously, in the crashes in front of the Southampton (0-1) and Leicester (0-1) the sudamericano contested 10 and 31 minutes respectively, never going out from the start.

This situation has generated a lot of controversy in the world of the football, since 'Marry' was indisputable headline in the Real Madrid and the high price of his traspaso invited to think that his arrival to the United would be under the same terminos. Thus, Have Hag took advantage of a press conference to clear the present of the Brazilian. "Casemiro Is new in the team and has to adapt. It has to accustom to my form to play to the football. And Scott McTominay is playing very well", declared, leaving clear that to the footballer even is missing him acclimate to his new square to be able to form part of the eleven initial.

A different case

On the other hand, the situation of Antony has been totally contrary to the one of Carlos Henrique. The ex player of the Ajax 'arrived and besó the saint' in Manchester, since it was announced during the day final of the market of transfers and was to title this Sunday in front of the Arsenal, split in which besides it opened the marker to the 31 minutes. "It knows the style that want to play, what expect and demand", aimed Have Hag. Now, Casemiro will have to follow the same way.