The International Football Board Association (IFAB) could give a 'bombazo' that would revolutionise, completely, the way to perceive the football of maximum level. From England have informed that on the table is the possibility to incorporate the 'blue card", in addition to the yellow and red, like a new alternative to sanction to the players in the parties. It will be for 'punish' the bad behaviour and the tactical faults and would force to said footballer to abandon the field by ten minutes.
Of agreement to the information of 'The Telegraph', the IFAB could implement the norm with the intention to limit the protests that receive the referees. Lukas Brud, member of the organisation that encatha to define and modify the rules of the deport king, has stood out that "have identified the bad behaviour of the players with a grave problem for the football", standing out that in this moment find studying "what can do by means of changes in the rules of the game. An expulsion programmed could be an element disuasivo greater that a warning".
The blue card already is to proof
By his part, has cleared that they are studying several stages, like the possibility that it was only the captain of each team the one who can 'argue' with the main referee. Brud Stood out, in concrete, that "also there is a lot of interest by part of several parts interested in the idea that only the captain can approach properly to the referee".
It does not be necessary to overlook that it is a rule that already has put in practice in this season to evaluate his impact in inferior categories in Wales and Sweden. The proofs are under way, but still would remain some time so that it can implement of official way. In fact, from 'The Telegraph' have stood out that lbig ace competitions will be excluded until 'perfect' the protocol of performance of this new norm.
The advances could advance
It will be able to produce an important advance in the meeting of the IFAB of this Friday and, later, on 2 March, when it will celebrate the annual congress of the association commissioned to define the rules of the football to world-wide level. It would be an authentic revolution for the football as it is perceived now and the first card 'added' to the sport from 1970, when they went in in force the yellow and red cardboards.