The comments in networks by the physicist of Neymar in Ibiza
Published:3/08/2021 - 06:17h
Updated:3/08/2021 - 06:17h
The ex attacker of the Barcelona went back news afterwards that viralizara in the social networks photographies of his holidays in which it sees him with a light sobrepeso
As well as They Are doing it other footballers like Luis Suárez or Leo Messi, the attacker of the Paris Saint Germain, Neymar Jr., it has gone on holiday. When seeming finds in the coasts of Ibiza in an enormous yacht.
The crack Brazilian has been avistado in company of several gathered and fellow his in the stern of a majestuoso yacht. However, what more stands out is his physicist that denotes a light sobrepeso of the player, something that has not happened unobserved in social networks and generated comments of all type:
"Leo Messi is 34 years old and Neymar 29. Small big differences. Unlike the Brazilian, Messi carries more than 18 years working and taking care to be the best of all time", wrote Miguel Blasquez.
Leo Messi is 34 years old and Neymar 29. Small big differences. Unlike the Brazilian, Messi carries more than 18 years working and taking care to be the best of all time. #Messi pic.twitter.com/fzush9elyd
— Miquel Blázquez (@BlazquezFont) August 2, 2021
"Like this Neymar // As they see it the Tuiteros", publish an user of twitter called @NegrinBoka the one who posteó the image of Neymar in the yacht and a photomontage of this. "PSG: It sees on holiday, but you do not go to exceed you with the foods and drunk. Neymar Jr: Calm, do not concern ", ironizaron in the account @futbool_photos
Like this Neymar // As they see it the Tuiteros pic.twitter.com/yk3csvgwjn
— The Negrin of Boka (@NegrinBoka) August 2, 2021
• PSG: It sees on holiday, but you do not go to exceed you with the foods and drunk.
— Football (@Futbool_Photos) August 2, 2021
• Neymar Jr: Calm, do not concern ? pic.twitter.com/vp901i4tsv
"It took the holidays seriously", aimed Martin Liberman. "Neymar Loses the silhouette, Hazard is a palillo to his side", thought the journalist and presenter of "The Chiringuito" Tomas Roncero. Until the moments, the Brazilian forward has not done statements or comments in this regard.
It took the holidays seriously! https://t.co/ml8qatzsh6
— Martin Liberman (@libermanmartin) August 2, 2021
A radical change
After having been defeated by Messi and Argentinian in the final of the Glass America, the Brazilian was news for having done a change of image of face to the next course, a change that did not happen unobserved by the striking of the appearance that has, characterised by some braids that has aroused innumerable reactions in the social networks.
During the holidays that has taken before reincorporarse to the trainings with the PSG the Brazilian seems to have wanted to go back to be the centre of attention with the new look. His hair no longer has the colour platinado that had before the referred competition.