Mats Hummels junto a Terzic en la final de Champions ante el Real Madrid


Controversy in Dortmund Hummels throws out Terzic and Dortmund decide not to have the central either

Published:14/06/2024 - 13:06h

Updated:14/06/2024 - 13:06h

Mats Hummels Criticised publicly the tactics of Edin Terzic and conditioned his continuity in the Borussia Dortmund to the exit of the trainer. This situation caused a violent confrontation between both, carrying to Terzic to renounce while the club considered sanctions

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The Borussia Dortmund announced in a sudden way the past Thursday that Edin Terzic had requested the immediate rescission of his agreement, which was accepted by the club according to a communiqué. The trainer decided to close his stage like trainer of the first team of a rugged way, what left perplejos to a lot of fans. Now, They are knowing more details of the reason his decision.

According to the German newspaper 'Bild', the key of the situation was a discussion warmed up between Terzic and Mats Hummels, apparently by sportive reasons, which would have finished of violent way. Tactical questions caused an intense confrontation between both, precipitating the exit of the preparador. Few days before the final in Wembley against the Real Madrid, the experienced central defence criticised in an interview the tactics of Terzic in front of important teams.

"The Dortmund can not play like this against anybody. I felt me abused in my honour for being in the field with this T-shirt. So submissive... All shut in the area in parties as in front of the Stuttgart or the Leverkusen", affirmed, and even arrived to condition his continuity to the dismissal of the technician. These comments carried to that the strategist lost the control and purportedly had a violent confrontation with the defender. The Dortmund was considering to sanction to both when Terzic offered his resignation.

The decision of the Borussia Dortmund by the altercation

Because of this episode, the directive decided not offering a new agreement to Mats, whose current agreement finalises on 30 June and required renewal. The behaviour showed, contrary to the trainer and to the team at the same time, was considered unacceptable by the managerial germanto. Therefore, it expects that in the next days announce officially the exit of Hummels of the institution.

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